Collaboration in NLP

NLP collaboration functionality provides you with the possibility to use the same NLP models in several different SnatchBot accounts.

Similar to when you share a bot, there are two roles: model owner and model administrator. The owner of the model can share either a single model by itself or a model linked to a bot.

If you are OWNER of an NLP model:

There are two ways to share a model:

1. From “My Bots” area (Bot -> Configure -> Teammates -> Grant NLP access).
When sharing NLP access from this area, the shared NLP models that are used in AI connections of the shared bot will be always tied/connected with the bot access. These models will get accessible by the admins.

Option A. When a bot owner shares a bot and gives NLP access right away, by checking the “With NLP model edit access” checkbox in the “Share the bot to:” popup:


Option B. When a bot owner shared a bot without NLP access, but granted it later using the Actions menu:


2. From NLP area (NLP Teammates tab).

Option A. When sharing from the NLP area, you can grant NLP model access independently from any of the bots:


Option B. However, if you want to, you can link model access to a certain bot by checking the “Share with bot” checkbox:



Administrator has to confirm access to the model by clicking the link in the email message.

If you are ADMINISTRATOR of an NLP model:

Key rules that are applied to administrators:

  • Bot administrators can use a shared model only in shared bots belonging to THE SAME USER who owns the model.
    It means that:
  • Bot administrators can’t use a shared model in their own bots
  • Bot administrators can’t use a shared model in shared bots of OTHER users (who do not own the model).
  • Bot administrators can’t use their own models in shared bots.

Shared models are displayed on the Shared models tab and are marked by the special icon:



Pre-trained models are not displayed in the Shared models tab, but they are available to use in the bot build section.

Bot administrators can’t create/edit NLP connections if they have no NLP access to the bot and have no models, shared from the bot owner. Once bot administrator has received access to a model (regardless of method), NLP connections become available to create/edit.

There are 6 ways an administrator can lose access to the shared model:

  1. When the bot owner deletes a model.
  2. When the bot owner deletes the last NLP connection, where the shared model is used (the sharing method does not matter). In that case:
  • If an administrator has opened the ‘Edit model’ window, then the window will be closed automatically and the following notification will appear: “The model has been deleted”
  • If an administrator is on the Samples page, then he/she will be redirected to the NLP page and the following notification will appear: “The model has been deleted”
  • If an administrator is on the NLP page, the model will instantly disappear from the ‘Shared model’ tab.
  1. When the bot owner revokes access to the shared bot where the model is used.
  2. When the bot owner revokes NLP access to the shared bot where the model is used.
  3. When the model owner revokes access to the shared model on the NLP -> Teammates tab.
  4. When the bot owner deletes the shared bot where the model is used.

Next Steps

Please take a look at our next article to learn how you can share access to your own models to other users.