
Collaboration tools allow your internal team to stay more connected and engaged

This feature enables you to provide other users with full access to your bot. Moreover, simultaneous real-time editing is possible from several accounts.

There are two roles: Bot owner and Bot administrator.

Initially, the bot creator has the “Bot Owner” role.

Bot Owner role

In the Teammates tab, you can see the list of people who have access to the bot.
Initially, there is one role for a bot creator - “owner”. The bot owner has full control of the bot, also having the option of enabling or prohibiting access to the bot (or to some sections of the bot) for different users. Invited users can have access to the entire bot and to all PRO-Plan features. The “Channels” section is available for collaborators users as well.

Below is an image of the owner's interface:


The tab contains a table with a list of users who have access to the bot. Each entry contains:
Name - the collaborator’s name
Admin email - the collaborator’s email
Role - the collaborator’s role (Owner/Admin), by default the bot creator is an Owner
Status - the collaborator’s status (active/inactive)
NLP Share (On / Off) - indicates if an administrator has access to the NLP section.
Inbox Share (On / Off) - indicates if an administrator has access to the Inbox section. Inbox sharing is available only for the PRO-bots.
Editing Access (On / Off) - indicates if a collaborator has access to the Build section.
The bot owner has to provide access to the Inbox section before granting or revoking editing access.
Actions (available only for the owner) - actions with the collaborator:

  • Revoke access: revoke access to the bot. When clicked, the chosen administrator loses access to the bot and the entry disappears from the Teammates tab. Also, a removed user gets the following email notification: “Your permissions to edit this bot have been revoked. Please contact the owner to gain access again.”
  • Grant NLP access/Revoke NLP access
  • Grant/Revoke bot editing: allow/prohibit the user to see and edit settings of the bot. If an administrator has no access to editing the bot, then the system will redirect them to the Inbox section every time they try to open the Build section.
  • Grant Inbox access/Revoke Inbox access
  • Grant owner access: send the user an invitation to become a bot owner. A future bot owner gets an email containing a link to accept an invitation. On following the link, the previous owner becomes an admin, and the previous admin becomes a new owner.

How to share a bot?

  1. Press Invite admin in the Teammates tab and enter the email of the user that you need to give access to. You can invite an unlimited number of users. If you want to give access to the NLP or Inbox sections, tick the relevant box.
  1. Press Share. The system will send a message to the specified email. The message contains a link enabling access to the bot. After sending an invitation a new entry appears in the tab. The initial status of a new user is “inactive”.
  2. A new administrator should open the message and click on a link. Once clicked, their status becomes “active” and they get full access to the bot.
    The bot appears in their My Bots section.

Shared bots are marked with special icons in the My Bots section.
In the examples below, the left icon is the one seen by owners and the right by admins. Admins cannot delete or copy a shared bot. Nonetheless, admins can import shared bots:


This functionality enables you to invite non-registered users. They get an email with a link to become registered. Right after the registration a new user gets access to the shared bot.

Bot Admin role

Below is an interface of the Teammates tab for the Admin role. Note that administrators can’t manage the PRO Plan settings of the bot.


Actions accessible for Admin:

  • Give up permission to edit: decline access to the bot. When clicked, the admin loses access to the bot, the other user’s “teammates” tab loses their entry.


The system will automatically revoke access to the bot if the following two conditions are met:

  • An admin has access only to the Inbox page
  • The shared bot loses Pro status

Restrictions for bot administrators:

  • Delete shared bots
  • Invite other (third-part) admins
  • Manage Pro Plan settings of the shared bots
  • Export shared bots and import into the shared bots
  • Set, view and change the keys for the Maps, Search and Translation interactions.
  • Set, view and change the ‘Message counting mode’ settings (Channels->Webchat->Get Embed Code)
  • Access to the NLP section (if revoked)
  • Access to the Inbox section (if revoked). Available for PRO bots only.
  • Access to the Build section (if revoked).

Collaboration Indicators

In the headline of the page, you can see the initials of the users who are looking through the bot settings at any particular moment.


When editing fields and interactions simultaneously you can see the name of the user who is editing the same element at that moment. In the top right corner, there’s a sign indicating that someone is editing that field. To see their name you should hover the indicator:

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Examples of simultaneous editing

An interface of the “configure” page for admin 1:


An interface of the “configure” page for admin 2:


An interface of the “configure” page for a bot owner:



The SnatchBot system tracks all changes made to bots and stores them in the database. This feature is especially useful when several users edit a bot, using the Collaboration feature. More information about this option is available here

Compatibility with other features

  • Automations flows
    Automations flows are not available if you are using only shared Pro bots.

  • Reports and Dashboard
    The statistics on the Reports and Dashboard pages include data from the shared bots.
    Note: reports are available for administrators if a bot has PRO status.

  • Inbox
    The Inbox section is available for an administrator if the following two conditions are met:

  1. The bot owner must give access to the Inbox in the Teammates tab
  2. The shared bot must have PRO status
    In this case, Bot administrators can reply to users of shared bots.
    If these conditions are not met then admins can see the conversations of the shared bots, but can not compose and send messages to the chat. They see the following placeholder in the input field: "You cannot reply to users of shared bots". They also do not receive notifications about awaiting conversations.

Bot administrators can not delete conversations from the Inbox section. When you use the "Remove All" button, then conversations of shared bots will not be removed.

  • Advanced Stats
    Advanced Stats are available for bot administrators. Shared bots being in the PRO-Bot filter are marked as “Shared”:
  • Search, Translate and Collect Address interactions
    When using the collaboration feature, keys are hidden for bot administrators. Only the chatbot owner can see the keys.

  • Support Center
    Bot administrators do not have access to the shared PRO-Bots in the Support Center.
    If an administrator has their own PRO-bots, the PRO version of the Support Center will be available, but the shared bots will be excluded from the list of the PRO-bots while submitting a ticket.

  • Import / Export
    Export and import of the shared bot is available for the bot owner only.

  • Embed chat -> Message counting mode
    Only the bot owner can change the message counting mode.

  • Broadcast
    Bot administrators can see sent broadcasts in the Sent tab. However, they have no access to the Drafts and Scheduled tabs.

  • PRO-Plan tab
    Bot administrators also get all the PRO-Plan benefits of the bot. However, PRO-Plan settings management is available for the bot owner only. Bot administrators can only see the number of Available messages and the current monthly fee.

  • Automations
    Only the creator of the automation can open, view and change automation settings, as well as delete automation.
    It is possible to turn on/off any automation, regardless of your role:


Watch this video tutorial "Collaboration"

Next Steps

Learn more about SnatchBot's service.