Next connection without user input

Hello, I want to link two text interactions, without having the user type something inbetween. I do not want to use ::next::, as multiple interactions will need to linke back to the same single interaction. Where can I find this option? Kind regards, Joost

Broadcast message - Facebook recipients problem

Hello, I can not seem to pretend all the contacts who have "liked" my page yet, you indicate that it is possible in your video :(

Gostaria de traduzir modelos ja prontos da loja

é possivel?


Muy buenos días, realicé mi chatbot hace poco y lo publiqué en mi pagina de Facebook, sin embargo presento muchos BUGS en los dispositivos móviles, lamentablemente este formulario no me deja subir las fotografías de los BUGS pero, si ustedes lo quisieran ver con mucho gusto se los envío. BUGS EN DISPOSITIVOS MÓVILES (FACEBOOK): 1.- En repetitivas situaciones los botones presentaban comportamientos inadecuados como mostrar botones que no correspondían en ese momento, es decir, que no estaban programados. Esto puede causar muchos problemas al momento en que el cliente quiera interactuar con el bot. Por favor tómenlo en cuenta. 2.- Programé que los botones realicen un salto de linea si fuera necesario, resulta que en los dispositivos móviles no realiza ese salto de linea, obligando así a los usuarios a desplegar los botones de derecha a izquierda y viceversa, sin embargo no hay ninguna indicación para los usuarios de dispositivos móviles que les de a entender que pueden realizar esta acción, eso causa que solo vean los botones que se pueden ver sin deslizar y no puedan ver todas las opciones como un usuario que utiliza el ordenar. Por favor tómenlo en cuenta. GRACIAS. Atte: Pablo Andres Zelada Garcia.

Amelia or similar Plugin support for Scheduling feature

We want to integrate Amelia Wordpress plugin. So, does snatchbot have any scheduling plugin similar to amelia so that we can integrate that. We want it to be a common meeting place with video call integration and other features offered by Amelia.

Restart command stopped working

I'm having an issue with "restart" command. I've been testing my bot today and everything seemed fine, including "restart". When I tested the bot again just now, it won't respond to "restart". This is what I'm getting: - on Messenger it doesn't respond completely. When I type "restart" there is a "writing" prompt but then it disappears and nothing happens. - in the test chat on your platform it is very reluctant: it will respond with "writing..." and one time stay inactive indefinitely and another - display the welcome message, but only after several minutes. My bot ID is 67693. I tried cloning it expecting the situation to be some kind of a glitch, but it was all the same. I've deactivated the bot on Messenger for now as I'm not sure if it works properly and I'm unable to test it. I would appreciate your help. Best wishes, Patrick

Intents and Entitys

Would the question in a FAQ fall under intent or entity?

Is it possible to fetch the user's current URL?

Hello! I've been researching and making tests with Snatchbot and I'm totally impressed. I love it! Nevertheless, I'm facing one key challenge for what I'm trying to do: We want to implement and integrate Snatchbot in one of our products, and we could automate our processes critically if we were able to grab the user's current URL (within our cloud based system), to send that information via webhook to one of our API methods, process on our side and return an answer to the chat (problem recognition). E.g. the customer is executing from To grab "" send via webhook and the webhook returns variables to say, "Hi Joe. I see you have X problem with order 1234" Is that possible with Snatchbot? Thanks in advance!

Connecting my bot to a backend.

I have some Python code on my local system that I need to use as the backend for my bot. How do I pass data from the bot to the backend? As the Py code is on my local system, I don't have an API address for it as required by the JSON interaction (unless someone can guide me with making it). This Py code needs to be my backend as it connects to a set of databases, and provides certain other functionalities.

use of delay both in single and multiple chat bubbles

Hi, I'm fairly new here. I've tried to use the delay function, but I can't really make it work properly. I have two cases. 1) I try to set up a bot message so the response is delayed a bit. I click the "delayed response" option and it inserts "::next-XXXX::". I have tried to exchange the "xxxx" numbers but the whole "code" just shows up in the bot message which is being displayed instantly after the user response. 2) I wanted the bot to post two messages after each other with a bit of delay before the first one and inbetween them. I tried putting in the "::next-XXXX::" between the parts I wanted to be shown in different bubbles, but it doesn't work either. I hope you can assist here.