Restart command stopped working

I'm having an issue with "restart" command. I've been testing my bot today and everything seemed fine, including "restart". When I tested the bot again just now, it won't respond to "restart". This is what I'm getting: - on Messenger it doesn't respond completely. When I type "restart" there is a "writing" prompt but then it disappears and nothing happens. - in the test chat on your platform it is very reluctant: it will respond with "writing..." and one time stay inactive indefinitely and another - display the welcome message, but only after several minutes. My bot ID is 67693. I tried cloning it expecting the situation to be some kind of a glitch, but it was all the same. I've deactivated the bot on Messenger for now as I'm not sure if it works properly and I'm unable to test it. I would appreciate your help. Best wishes, Patrick

Issue with facebook's official wordpress plugin

Hy, I tried to implement snatchbot script into wordpress messenger plugin. It works fine, except that Persistent menu Restart button click and Text Card button clicks are not working. All in all, I think there is a problem with Messenger Wordpress Plugin button clicks.

Confirmation Email

Hi, We keep getting the message that a confirmation letter is being sent to our email address, but it never arrives and we cannot login.


Muy buenos días, realicé mi chatbot hace poco y lo publiqué en mi pagina de Facebook, sin embargo presento muchos BUGS en los dispositivos móviles, lamentablemente este formulario no me deja subir las fotografías de los BUGS pero, si ustedes lo quisieran ver con mucho gusto se los envío. BUGS EN DISPOSITIVOS MÓVILES (FACEBOOK): 1.- En repetitivas situaciones los botones presentaban comportamientos inadecuados como mostrar botones que no correspondían en ese momento, es decir, que no estaban programados. Esto puede causar muchos problemas al momento en que el cliente quiera interactuar con el bot. Por favor tómenlo en cuenta. 2.- Programé que los botones realicen un salto de linea si fuera necesario, resulta que en los dispositivos móviles no realiza ese salto de linea, obligando así a los usuarios a desplegar los botones de derecha a izquierda y viceversa, sin embargo no hay ninguna indicación para los usuarios de dispositivos móviles que les de a entender que pueden realizar esta acción, eso causa que solo vean los botones que se pueden ver sin deslizar y no puedan ver todas las opciones como un usuario que utiliza el ordenar. Por favor tómenlo en cuenta. GRACIAS. Atte: Pablo Andres Zelada Garcia.

Connect Bot With Google sheet (google Script)

Hi team SnatchBot thank's for all the powerfull job You do it for us and i wish you nice happy day !! Ok! im not good in coding i have two Question: 1- in channel section (other/api): i followed the instruction i create : (api_Key and Api_secret ) i get the link and i deploy it ==> I open it this link ( in google chrome I received this message : { "error": "Bad request", "status": false } Why I get This Message ? My second question : how can i use " your bot with google script" to get and post content !! thank You

Sending speech by post request

Last week I asked a question about how can I use microphone via API. [1] As per the answer, I can send base64 encoded audio like {"speech" : base64audio} Although this hasn't worked for me. The bot always says "Sorry, could not recognize your message, please try again." I am pretty sure I encoded my audio file to base64 string. I tried sending a base 64 encoded audio from command line as well. In both the cases the response was "Sorry, could not recognize your message, please try again.". I am not sure where I went worng. Could I get some help on this? [1]

Your system just deleted the last hour worth of content in the bot

Your system that keeps refreshing on the backend deleted the last hour worth of content in the bot. What the heck is going on this is ridiculous come on.

Open links on current window

Hi! When user clics a link in a Rich Card it opens a new window on browser. If user then opens the chat on this new page receives an alert: "You have an active conversation in another tab. Do you want to continue existing conversation or start a new one in this tab?". Is it possible open links on current windows to prevent this alert and continue current chat conversation? Thank you for your effort, I love Snatchbot!

Starting the Conversation

I'm using the SnapChat bot in a Line Messaging group. The channels are all set up correctly & the bot is in the room. How do I start the conversation?

Maintenance has broken my bot

Hello. After your maintenance, all my connections were broken, so I restored it from a backup. I often have trouble accessing the dashboard. When I create new connections, they simply do not work. Even really, really simple things refuse to work for example, a connection with: Response to the interaction ->contains all of -> Illustrator, Mask (masks as a synonym... If you type Illustrator clipping mask as a response, it reverts to the fallback response. I was supposed ot be presenting this working this week, after spending the last week putting it together, and it looks like my time has been wasted/I'll need ot find an alternative and build it quick! Your help will be much appreciated.