Bot is Slow on Page Load

Hi team, We were testing on our GT Metrix, , it indicates a few big block loading times originated from SnatchBot. The resources causing the long loading time include following: And also, there is Gstatic call from SnatchBot:

how can i deploy order form for my product


Session expiry

Hello, is there is any way or work around to disable session expiry ? because it's ridiculous to start the chat all over again every three hours. people sometimes recontact you and it's not cool to keep ask them the same questions in the past the value of session expiry was unlimited but now it's limited to 10800 seconds

cant get bot

how can I get a food truck bot

positioning error on mobile

have copied css edited and uploaded to correct position. seems to work well on desktop but... serious issues on mobile... There is a white page attached to the bottom of the snatchbot avatar and this totally covers the bottom menu. when i close a chat the window closes over the white sheet covering the menu and scrolls up when i scroll down the site on the mobile... this takes up 1/4 of the screen!! need to delete white page under bot visible above bottom menu need delete the page entirely when chat is closed - just have avatar so customer can click Ps. now when i reset the bot in the 'get embedded code upload button' there is a white paper noticeable on down scrolling... same issue after engaging a chat but now instead of white paper its blue - was never was like this before, was clean and tidy.

Duplicating bot

Is it possible to duplicate the bot and transfer to another account? Also the speaker works on the snatchbot website but not my own. Do you know why this might occur?

Not working on my site

Hello, I have tried everything but I can't seem to make snatchbot work on my wordpress site

position of snatchbot on screen

really need to know how to change the position of the snatch bot icon... its overlapping the menu and needs to be raised 1cm

Como puedo encadenar dos conexiones IA?

Hola, Estoy creando un bot en el que el usuario entra una frase. Segun su intención lo quiero dirigir a una iteración u a otra. He creado 5 PNL para detectar 5 intenciones: A, B, C, D y E. He creado 4 PNL para detectar 4 intenciones: a, b, c y d. En la primera iteración el usuario escribe una frase y con IA y PNL puedo analizar la frase y determinar cual de las 5 intenciones tiene A, B, C y E. Hasta aquí ningún problema. Como puedo, analizando la misma frase y sin tener que pedir al usuario que vuelva a escribir la misma frase conseguir descubrir las intenciones a, b, c y d? Una solución seria que en la segunda interacción se pudiera analizar con IA y PNL la respuesta de la primera interacción y además que no fuese necesario que el usuario interaccionase en esta interacción, y dirigir directament al usuario a la tercera interacción, donde encontraria la información que está pidiendo. Por exemplo, un caso simplificado: Creo 2 PNL para determinar si el usuario tiene INTENCION de comprar un coche o una moto. Creo 2 PNL para determinar si el usuario tiene INTENCION de comprarlo nuevo o de segunda mano. Para cada uno de los 4 posibles resultados tengo una iteración: coche nuevo, coche usado, moto nueva y moto usada. Si el usuario escribe: "Estoy interesado en un cohe para mi hijo que sea económico, no es necesario que sea nuevo". Com puedo dirigirlo directamente a "coche usado" con estas 4 PNL? Muchas gracias por su atención

Arithmetical Functions with Custom Attributes

Good afternoon. I decided to implement a system based on redeemable codes: the user inserts the code and so receives for example 5 gems. In the "Configure" section, on the first interaction I set the attribute "gems" with value 0. I used an if statement like this: [IF(responseToInteraction=ID fallback=)=[attribute=gems]{Congratulations, the code was successfully redeemed and you received 5 gems!} Now, I need the 5 gems to be really added to the user account and of course the value must be kept, so in the end I did something like this: [IF(responseToInteraction=ID fallback=)=[attribute=gems]{Congratulations, the code was successfully redeemed and you received 5 gems! [setAttribute gems=ADD[[attribute=gems, 5]]]} But when testing the bot and reaching the interaction, it's like this: Congratulations, the code was succefully redeemed and you received 5 gems! ] As you can see there's an extra ] because it looks like arithmetical functions are literally set as attribute values and don't get executed. So I guess I can't do arithmetical functions on attributes like this. Any idea o workaround? Thank you in advance.