Snatchbot account

Good morning, I would need more information regarding the whatsapp channel: some of our customers have asked us to develop a chatbot on the whatsapp channel and we would like to use your development platform. I have seen that the process to obtain the D360-API-KEY requires the creation of a business manager account in Facebook to which the Whatsapp account must correspond. As for the Snatchbot account, would it be possible to have a single PRO in the name of our company, where are we going to develop all the chatbots on Whatsapp for the different customers? is it therefore possible to manage more than one Whatsapp account on a single Snatchbot account (obviously by correctly dimensioning the number of monthly messages)? Or is it necessary to create a PRO account for each of our customers, in their name? I hope I have clarified my doubt well, if not, I am available to provide further clarifications Thanks in advance Regards

Affiliate program

Hi there, I would like to do an affiliate program with you by an affiliate links. Do you have an affiliate program? Best regards, Charlie.

How can I send a custom POST request via webhook?

I want to use snatchbot in my iOS app. The way I found is to enable API (bot -> channels -> API). Then I could use POST requests to add messages to chatbot: ``` curl --request POST \ --url '' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' ``` I need to keep my app updated with the latest conversations happening in between bot and the user. For that I could use a webhook to post to the specified url when any change occurs. Although I need to customize the JSON body being sent through the webhook. I am Backend-as-a-Service which expects data being sent to be structured in a particular format. Is it possible to customize the data being sent through webhook?

Deactivate Restart Command

Hello, Snatchbot Support Team - How do I deactivate the Restart Command from the Configure settings. I'd just like to have the welcome message displayed once for new inquiries. Is it possible? It seems it is repetitive after every inquiry is refreshed after a certain time. My Bot ID is 111113, and the Interaction ID is 1737227. I am hoping you can assist me on this, please Thanks!

Card Interaction

My card interaction is not populating after a choice is made on bot statement 68071. It goes to the right statement which is 118904 but 118904 doesnt give me the card that is associated with it.

How can we add Carousel format gallery with the use of json api

How can we add Carousel format gallery with the use of json api ?

Add a Location Search

Hey there, i am making a support bot, and if the user wants to know a store location near him based on the city entered, i want that the bot replies with a maps location link. How to do it? I am unable to find that option. thanks !!

Cant seem to make it happen, can't read the post to my website

I am using the following: $requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input'); $requestBodyJson = json_decode($requestBody); $incoming_message = $requestBodyJson->extracted->message->incoming_message; $bot_id = $requestBodyJson->extracted->message->bot_id; $user_id = $requestBodyJson->extracted->message->user_id; $module_id = $requestBodyJson->extracted->message->module_id; $channel = $requestBodyJson->extracted->message->channel; $myfile = fopen("posts.txt", "a") or die("Unable to open file!"); $txt = serialize($bot_id."||".$user_id."||".$module_id."||".$channel."<br><br>"); $txt = serialize($requestBodyJson); $txt2 = serialize($requestBody); fwrite($myfile, "\n". $txt."".$txt2); fclose($myfile); The file I am logging to shows the following after trying the bot: (empty line) O:8:"stdClass":8:{s:5:"botID";i:14436;s:9:"extracted";s:7:"Morning";s:4:"from";O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:7:"channel";s:7:"webchat";s:2:"id";s:29:"webchat.1522789596590.testing";}s:7:"message";s:7:"Morning";s:8:"moduleID";i:190458;s:8:"response";O:8:"stdClass":1:{s:8:"messages";a:0:{}}s:9:"sessionID";i:595445;s:6:"source";s:10:"connection";}s:209:"{"botID":14436,"extracted":"Morning","from":{"channel":"webchat","id":"webchat.1522789596590.testing"},"message":"Morning","moduleID":190458,"response":{"messages":[]},"sessionID":595445,"source":"connection"}";

Reset password

Hi, my user name is [email protected] I forget my original password and therefore I cannot reset it. I can access my panel now but I cannot reset it as I cannot correctly enter my current password. Can you help send me a link to [email protected] for me to reset it. Sorry for bothering you. Thank you and Best regards, Alan

Import viber user

Hello! I was wondering if Ican import some phone numbers (my clients phone numbers) to broadcast messages in viber. I tried to broadcast but only the recipients who previously used my bot are in the list. Thank you!