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how to implement log in page and user management in bot

Viber bot promote

Hello Again :) Thank you very much your answer. But I have another question too. I will conect my bot to my viber public chanel. Is there any link to can share it with my client to inform them about my chanel. I would like to share them, or send them a "promotional message" to can use my viber bot also. The broadcast is just for that who write me before, and subsribers for my chanel. So how can promote if for new customer.

delayed question without typing animation

hi, i'm looking for a way to delay an answer without displaying the "typing" animation ! thanks

Internal Server Error getParameters

Hello, I keep getting this error message in my work on 3Bot. I couldn't find it in it related to the gallery card I made?

How can I access the conversation data in a file ?

I would like to access the content of the conversation on my computer. Is there an option to save and download automatically a txt, json or csv file containing the messages sent to the bot ? If not, is the API able to connect with a Python script ?

Unable to change bot name on template bots

Name of message sender is not changing when trying to rename a template bot. - It still shows up the old name. How to change bot's message sender name properly?

multiple answer question

hi- how can I build a multiple answer question, for example: Which services you would like to know more about? [ ] Service 1 [ ] Service 2 [ ] Service 3 [ ] Service 4 so that I will be able to get boolean value (true/false) of user interest in one step - and not ask it several times.

Websocket Authentication

I've been having trouble with the connecting to wss:// using jQuery. I find that when I'm logged into the backend of Snatchbot on the same browser that I am using to utilize the websocket it communicates fine. When I am not logged in however, I simply do not get any sort of response. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the userID cookie that Snatchbot sets. Is there any documentation from Snatchbot that covers the steps needed to properly utilize websockets?

Can you set the value of a Custom Attribute externally through an API?

Hi Team, I'm using a Date Extraction interaction to ask for the birthday and calculate the age using an external API. The API sends a message back in the JSON response that has the age of the person, calculated based on the birth date provided. Is there a way to save this age in a Custom Attribute (or Custom Variable, worst case). Basically, I want the age to be available for future interactions.