Snatchbot not working - Bot won't start convesation

Hi, We have been trying to fix this issue for like a month now. We would love to use Snatchbot for our own purposes and for our large clients. But the bots just keep failing us. Earlier when we tried to embed our bot we got the chat window to appear, but when opened the bot chat window just displayed a message "Error". More on it here (earlier support ticket): The issue at the moment is that the bot conversation is not starting. We just get the message: "ABM-apubotti is typing message..." and nothing begins. This is really embarassing as we see from analytics that people try to open and chat with the bot. But no. It is not working. We have the bot embed on our services page here: And on our "bot test page" here: What can we do to get this working? I would love use Snatchbot, but as it is the platform is letting us down hard.

Multiple Choice

I am making a survey bot, I want the user to be able to choose more than one answer at once, to make multiple choice, how can I do it please help!?

Quick reply vertical menu

Hi, I have created a 6 buttons quick reply menu. Unfortunately, being this 6 or more items and being this menu by default horizontal, not all the buttons will be visible on the mobile screen. User should slide the menu from left to right but not everyone knows there are hidden button on the right side. Is there a way i can get those buttons vertically like a rich card text?

Button "Get Started"

Hello! If I allow auto opening on page loading, chatbot's first message is button "Get started". It is possible to remove this button and start immediately with the first message? Thanks

We Need Mulitple Expression Conditions

Custom vars and logic operations are, of course, a necessary part of implementing a bot. And the current implementation affords us that. But we need the ability to have multiple expressions in a condition. Otherwise, we have to nest conditional statements, which is ungainly. For instance, in the following example, we want to display the text only if variable KILLBOT_SEEN is 1 AND variable KILLBOT_HAS_LEFT is 0: `[IF([showVar=KILLBOT_SEEN]=1){[IF([showVar=KILLBOT_HAS_LEFT]=0){Killbot 9000 is still standing there. Its various sharp and pointy bits whir and glint in the muted light.}]}]` It would be preferable to write: `[IF([showVar=KILLBOT_SEEN]=1&[showVar=KILLBOT_HAS_LEFT]=0){Killbot 9000 is still standing there. Its various sharp and pointy bits whir and glint in the muted light.}]` That doesn't seem like much difference, but if you have multiple levels of nesting, it gets ugly quick. You can't space them out visually like code, because the returns are included in the chatbot output. ``` [IF([showVar=KILLBOTSEEN]=0){In the hallway outside your door stands a silvery mechanical beast with ten or more arms, each sporting a fairly dangerous looking pincer, blade, saw or other implement of apparent mayhem. Its glowing red eyes regard you with steely indifference.}] [IF([showVar=KILLBOTSEEN]=1){[IF([showVar=KILLBOTLEFT]=0){Killbot 9000 is still standing there. Its various sharp and pointy bits whir and glint in the muted light.}]}] [IF([showVar=FREAKOUT]=2){Two powerful clamps that could easily snap you in half clack open and shut, slowly at first, then more rapidly. A deep thrum begins to emanate from the bowels of the gleaming beast.}][IF([showVar=FREAKOUT]=3){Several intense laser beams flick around your body then come to a stop just over the spot where your heart is beginning to gallop wildly in your chest.}][IF([showVar=KILLBOTSEEN]=1){[IF([showVar=KILLBOTLEFT]=1){The hallway is empty.}]}] [customVar KILLBOTSEEN=1] ```

Integrate chatbase not_handled messages

Hello Snatchbot team, Thank you for all the great work and support you provide which is always very much appreciated. I am integrating our chatbot into Chatbase to provide analytics and extracted data to our client. Although I managed to link Chatbase with Snatchbot with the api key, I can not find a way to send "not_handled=true" messages to Chatbase which is a very important feature of Chatbase. (see here : ) I already tried to include "[customVar not_handled=true]" in my Await Response message, but that does not seem to work for Chatbase. I also tried to set a custom attribute not_handled with the value true, but it does not work either. There is absolutely no documentation on the internet about that. As you are communicating a lot about the Chatbase integration, which is great, could you please give me documentation about how to integrate the 2 basic features of Chatbase : intent and not_handled messages ? Thank you very much, All the best. Lucas

Webchat action before chat

Hi, is there a possibility to have a Message like "I'm here, ask me anything" as an popup over the bubble for the webchat. So I mean the chat is still closed but the bubble says already hi. I saw that with other live chat tools and chatbots and I think that's a good chance to make the chatbot more visible. Thanks for you help Jan

How to embed an audio file into my bot?

Hello! I am currently working on my bot and I saw that there is the possibility to incorporate audio files as a voice message. I'd love to use that, but I'm having difficulties in embedding any audio into the chatbot. Embedding Videos (e.g. from YouTube) works perfectly fine, but if I want to incorporate audio, all I get is the loading bar. So how do I embed audio files into my chatbot? What URLs are possible to incorporate?

Add response to custom atributes

Hello, is it possible to ask a few questions, like name, phone number, company etc, save all that and after it send it by email? I am trying to use Custom attributes, but i don't know what i should put on the attribute value, i want that to be what the user writes. Thanks

How to extract name from a previous reply?

A user can reply to a name question as: - name - "I am ..." - "My name is .... " Is there a way to extract just the name and ignore the rest of the sentence?