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Snatchbot not working - Bot won't start convesation


We have been trying to fix this issue for like a month now. We would love to use Snatchbot for our own purposes and for our large clients. But the bots just keep failing us.

Earlier when we tried to embed our bot we got the chat window to appear, but when opened the bot chat window just displayed a message "Error".

More on it here (earlier support ticket):

The issue at the moment is that the bot conversation is not starting. We just get the message: "ABM-apubotti is typing message..." and nothing begins.

This is really embarassing as we see from analytics that people try to open and chat with the bot. But no. It is not working.

We have the bot embed on our services page here:
And on our "bot test page" here:

What can we do to get this working? I would love use Snatchbot, but as it is the platform is letting us down hard.