Snatchbot into Thunkable

Hi, I am trying to get the chatbot I created in snatchbot into the website called 'thunkable' which creates apps, but I could not do it. The only app options I have are the messaging apps. So does anyone know a way to get the chatbot into thunkable?

A bug in the order of interaction!

Hello again! there is a new bug in the order of the interaction. it was all ok, but since days, there is something wrong. try to order the interactions in bot: 119260. you will get crazy...;) if you move, it is ok, but some other interactions will always moved too. i am aware that you always should select the interaction first before you move it....but still.... greetings, tera

Why does the order of interactions change when a new one is added?

The bot I use has more than 100 interactions, and when I add a new one, the order in the list changes, while the scheme does not break, how can this be avoided?

File Attachment

How can user attach file during the conversation ??.


Muy buenos días, realicé mi chatbot hace poco y lo publiqué en mi pagina de Facebook, sin embargo presento muchos BUGS en los dispositivos móviles, lamentablemente este formulario no me deja subir las fotografías de los BUGS pero, si ustedes lo quisieran ver con mucho gusto se los envío. BUGS EN DISPOSITIVOS MÓVILES (FACEBOOK): 1.- En repetitivas situaciones los botones presentaban comportamientos inadecuados como mostrar botones que no correspondían en ese momento, es decir, que no estaban programados. Esto puede causar muchos problemas al momento en que el cliente quiera interactuar con el bot. Por favor tómenlo en cuenta. 2.- Programé que los botones realicen un salto de linea si fuera necesario, resulta que en los dispositivos móviles no realiza ese salto de linea, obligando así a los usuarios a desplegar los botones de derecha a izquierda y viceversa, sin embargo no hay ninguna indicación para los usuarios de dispositivos móviles que les de a entender que pueden realizar esta acción, eso causa que solo vean los botones que se pueden ver sin deslizar y no puedan ver todas las opciones como un usuario que utiliza el ordenar. Por favor tómenlo en cuenta. GRACIAS. Atte: Pablo Andres Zelada Garcia.

How can I sell my bot or generate profits?

How can I sell my bot or generate profits?

Cant select a page to connect with facebook

When Im connecting the bot to facebook, I logged in, and see the pages that i administrate, but not been able to select one. I check in my facebook page and went to config, advance communication and saw that snatchbot dont appear in connected apps, but not sure why.


Hello. I'm trying to catch hook using Zapier. I want to store the message reply to my Google Sheets. Can't see the attributes I've created on Zapier. Someone can help me? Thank you.


Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to do a phone number validation before having the whatsapp bot responding a person. As example, I contact the bot via whatsapp, and ask for something. Before answering, the bot validates that I am "on boarded" to talk with him. Otherwise, will answer something like "I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to talk with strangers" or something like that. Thanks!

How pass extra data in message_data?

I use a webhook, but when interacting with a bot, I don’t understand which user is talking to or what chat id? How can I pass this data to my server? Could it be a hidden variable or attribute?