Can't get onto account

Is anyone else having trouble getting onto their account? when I try I just get the blue page with the logo in the middle and nothing else happens

Microphone is not enabled

Hi, although languages of our bots are supported (English and Greek), the microphone in WebChat channel is not enabled in any browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge). Is this a bug?

Chatbot not working

Hi there! The test chat was working properly yesterday. Suddenly, today, it just got stuck on "typing..." Thanks alexander

TEST Chat is is currently not working

Hi there! The test chat was working properly yesterday. Suddenly, today, it just got stuck on "typing..." Thanks Bob

Bots on website don´t start writing

Hi! Bots on Facebook works fine but, on website, when I open chat window bot remains "writing... " and never launch the first message. Same problem on various sites. You can see it at and Can you help me? Kind regards!

Bots are not responding and not starting

Hello, could you please help me why my bots are not responding and not working? Many thanks

Schedule Maintenance on 21 Apr 2021

Hi. I am using the chatbot now but it stated schedule maintenance. May I know when will the server be ready again for use? Thank you

Is there a way to add snatchbot in a mobile application the same way as adding it to a website?

Hello, I want to know if it is possible to integrate snatchbot with a mobile application the same way as adding it to a website. Like adding a script code and that is it. No need to create an interface and use the API. Thanks,

Changing bot behavior depending on hour or day?

Hi! Is it possible to change the behavior of a bot depending on the hour or the day? For example, if I want the bot to give a certain answer during working hours and a different answer during late night or weekends - is that possible? Thanks

Chatbot not working when I send a message

Hi, I have little trouble with my bot. Auto-reply does not work from time to time. I don't know the cause - the setting is correct, I will answer the same question 10 times the same, so the robot will answer, if I answer again, it will be silent :-( It happens to me at the start, when the user has to answer. (signpost + 30 interactions) I'm so sorry, but I don't know what the problem may be. Can you help me, please? I use the Free Version, I must say that I am very excited about this elaborated tool, thank you for it.