how can i change the size of my chatbot on the website

hi, how can i change the size of my chatbot on the website

Data Upload

I work for a company that has a massive catalog of products. We frequently get similar inquiries on these products, however for me to manually input all of these materials into your service would take much too long. Is there a way for me to upload a large amount of data that would follow a similar pattern in a spreadsheet so that when people ask for a specific widget that answers for that widget and only that widget come up? So like - If this part number is entered then this price will come up as well as X amount of related products...

Default First Name attribute not showing in Facebook Messenger

Hi, I'm trying to output user's name using the default Facebook attribute first_name. This is how I've used it in a Bot Statement: Hi [attribute=first_name], you've got good taste! 👌 However, when Facebook users try to message me, it's rendered as: Hi , you've got good taste! 👌 The first name doesn't show up. Why is that?


I need use a bot and the chat live on my company, but need my workers can chat with my clients, but i need protect my bot and i need them can't modify my bot, how i can make this?

Facebook Locale, Gender Attributes not showing data

Hi, I'm testing a Facebook bot that's supposed to display user's location and gender in the message text. But it's showing up as blank while testing it on Facebook. Why is that? I'm using the following text: Hi [attribute=first_name], are you texting from [attribute=locale]?

Remove " type something "

Hello! Since we don t let users type something at the beggining , isn t it more correct to remove the text " type something " ? Thanks

How do I remove Snatch Bot from my Facebook Page?

How do I remove Snatch Bot from my Facebook Page?

Chat was working fine, then stopped

Hi, I have the chat installed on a WordPress site using the javascript (as described here and it was working fine up until some days ago. Now, all I get is a javascript errot message : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Init' of undefined at (index):683 Which, corresponds to the line where the web chat code is located. Can you provide any help regarding this?

Personnalisation de la fenêtre de chat !

Bonjour, J'ai personnalisé ma fenêtre de chat depuis cette page : Où j'ai modifié mon code CSS, et je l'ai rechargé. Mais la fenêtre n'a pas changé d'aspect, et mon avatar (de mon chatbot) a été modifié ... ? est-ce que le changement prend du temps pour se mettre en place sur le site internet ? Dans l'attente de votre retour, Je vous remercie.

Chatbot vers mon site internet !

Bonjour, Je voudrais publier mon Chabtot sur mon site internet mais je ne sais pas où récupérer mon code HTML pour pouvoir le publier. Merci !