Bot 'opening times'

Hi, I would like to add 'opening times' on my snatchbot, so that when i'm not online to answer them personally at certain times, a message pops up to let the client know.

not able to login

dear Team, i am unable to login my snatchbot account

Display Message Popup

Is there a way to turn of the (1) New Message! Title that flashes in the tab when you use the Display Message Popup option. I turned the Red Circle with the 1 off, but The browser tab keeps changing the tab title to (1)New Message! flashing.

Bot suddenly dies sometimes.

Sometimes, without any reason, my Telegram bot dies and whenever this happens, I have to delete the bot from Snatchbot and Telegram and I have to create anytime a new one. It Is pretty annoying. Any reason for this problem? The bot works on test chat, but not on Telegam, here's username: @yourchoicerobot. Start it and write /restart, then try with other commands such as /newstory. It won't respond.

Attribute value not getting changed in rich cards, but in message box yes

Everyday I basically find a new bug guys.. This is about attribute values not getting changed in rich cards. Users start bot (/start) - here I set attribute "newuser" with value 1. Anything he writes, he'll be directed to an interaction where he needs to press the button below. (#1557249) After pressing that button, he'll be directed to another interaction (#1557250), where I put a rich card with the following code: "[IF([attribute=newuser]=1){Hai dimostrato con successo di non essere un bot. [setAttribute newuser=0]}] [IF([attribute=newuser]=0){[attribute=first_name], hai già dimostrato di non essere un bot.}] Per tornare al menu principale, scrivi /start." The first time the user presses the button, the first condition will happen. The other times the second condition should happen, however always the first one appears. Example: after pressing for the first time the button, the first condition happens, and if I try to press the button again (WITHOUT doing /start), the first condition happens again and again. I tried to move the code of the third interaction (#1557250) from the rich card to the message box and this problem doesn't happen. I didn't try this on test version or other channels tbh, so I'll tell you already that the problem appears (at least) on Telegram. Bot ID: 99057 Fix it asap please.

could not link snatchbot to facebook

I click on my bot, then channels, then messenger then login to facebook. I follow login process, select a page and accept all permissions. At the end of the process I see an error message showing " Could not link SnatchBot to Facebook You may not be connected to the network or we could not establish a connection with our server. Check your connection and try again later."

Await Response promblem !

Hi, today I have problem with await response. When I click on interaction to Await to Response, after I write any keywords, it's loop reply many times, so I want it show only 1 time for this, how can I do it ?

Wrong results in arithmetical functions.

1) Users start with 0 💎 ([attribute=gems]) 2) Users write "examplecode" and get directed to another interaction where they receive 5 💎 ([setAttribute gems=[ADD [[attribute=gems], 5]]]). Users come back to the first interaction (step 1) and now they have 6 instead of 5 gems which they should have. What's up with wrong results? Id: 95637

Bot randomly responds sometimes.

As you can see from the following screenshot, the bot responded randomly without any user input. I can't find any error on my side, and as sometimes this happens, a few moments later it gets fixed alone. How to prevent these random responses? ID: 95637 Screenshot:

reponse aux questions

bonjour, j'aimerais faire un bot simple: on pose une question et le bot répond ( question 1/reponse 1, question 2/reponse 2 , je debute complétement et je ne comprend vraiment pas merci