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Attribute value not getting changed in rich cards, but in message box yes

Everyday I basically find a new bug guys..
This is about attribute values not getting changed in rich cards.

Users start bot (/start) - here I set attribute "newuser" with value 1.
Anything he writes, he'll be directed to an interaction where he needs to press the button below. (#1557249)
After pressing that button, he'll be directed to another interaction (#1557250), where I put a rich card with the following code:
"[IF([attribute=newuser]=1){Hai dimostrato con successo di non essere un bot. [setAttribute newuser=0]}]
[IF([attribute=newuser]=0){[attribute=first_name], hai già dimostrato di non essere un bot.}]

Per tornare al menu principale, scrivi /start."

The first time the user presses the button, the first condition will happen.
The other times the second condition should happen, however always the first one appears.

Example: after pressing for the first time the button, the first condition happens, and if I try to press the button again (WITHOUT doing /start), the first condition happens again and again.
I tried to move the code of the third interaction (#1557250) from the rich card to the message box and this problem doesn't happen.

I didn't try this on test version or other channels tbh, so I'll tell you already that the problem appears (at least) on Telegram.

Bot ID: 99057

Fix it asap please.