Move to Next Interaction Automatically

I'm looking for a way to move to the next interaction automatically without any user input. This is because I need to have an introduction message and then a main menu of options. At some point on the flow I can send the user back to the main menu of options if the user selects to "go back to the main menu". If I have the Introduction + main menu on the same interaction, when the user goes back to this option he will see the welcome message again. To avoid this I was planning to have an introduction interaction and then a second interaction that would be the main menu so i can send the user back to the main menu interaction instead of the introduction+main menu one. How can I do this?

Connections and the bot scheme erased ID 69410

Good Morning, We found out on Monday, April 27, that our chatbot with id 69410 had the connections and the bot scheme erased, I tried to make the connections and the bot scheme again, however it does not work from that day, could you help me?

Can i use a snatchbot with outlook or gmail ?

Can i forward a lead received by email to a snacthbot ? Regards


Hello, I would like to put my chat window in the middle of a page and below an image. I could have done it through your code, but the dimensions of the chat window are too small, so that we can't even read what the chatbot says. You can see it with the screenshot below. I wish I had a solution for that. Regard

What is happening to Snatchbot? Very Inconsistent!

Hi, May I know what is happening to the platform? I was able to perform the ADD function previously to find my total cost. However, I received the error in the following screenshot! Need this issue to be fixed urgently!

It is possible to change the language to portuguese ?

It is possible to change the language to portuguese ? The menu

Attributes work incorrectly

ID: #105696 1st Interaction (#165581): user complets CAPTCHA and get redirected to 2nd Interaction (#165582), where he needs to click on /start in order to come back to 1st Interaction, here user clicks on "/profilo" and gets directed to 3rd Interaction (#165583) and there he must click on "/riscatta", he finally gets to 4th Interaction (#165584). Now, I set two attributes on 1st Interaction: "codice=5FREE2020" and "5FREE2020=0". On 4th Interaction user must insert the code (in this case "5FREE2020") and he'll get directed to 5th Interaction (#165585), where I created 3 cards, 1 for each condition: 1st Card [IF([attribute=5FREE2020]=0){[IF([responseTo interaction=1655684 fallback=Errore.]=[attribute=codice]){Il codice è stato riscattato con successo e hai ricevuto 5 💎. [setAttribute gems=[ADD [[attribute=gems], 5]]] [setAttribute 5FREE2020=1] Per tornare al menu principale, scrivi /start.}]}] 2nd Card [IF([responseTo interaction=1655684 fallback= ]![attribute=codice]){Il codice non è valido o è scaduto, inseriscine un altro ritornando alla sezione di riscatto con /riscatta. Per tornare al menu principale, scrivi /start.}] 3rd Card [IF([attribute=5FREE2020]=1){[IF([responseTo interaction=1655684 fallback=Errore]=[attribute=codice]){Il codice inserito è già stato riscattato, riscattane un altro con /riscatta. Per tornare al menu principale, scrivi /start.}]}] If the user writes something different from "codice", the 2nd Card will appear, if the code is right and it was written for the 1st time, the 1st one will appear, if it was written for the 2nd/3rd/etc. time, the 3rd one will appear. The 2nd Card works properly, while the 1st and the 3rd one not, because eventhough on 1st Interaction I set [setAttribute 5FREE2020=0], the 3rd Card appears, while the 1st one should appear instead. Test it by yourself.

Bot starting again from 1st bot question

Why is that sometimes instead of going as per the connection that I have put in my quick replies the chatbot again starts from the first message. This doesn't happen every time but it is seen after every 5-6 iteration. Please help me with this

Why are they still appearing?

Hi Admin, I do not understand why the following still appear: [IF([responseTo interaction=1626543 fallback=TEXT]=Extra White Rice){Extra White Rice x ([extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0] item(s)) $[MUL [0.8, [extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0]]] [customVar costCW=[MUL [[extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0], 0.8]]]]}] [IF([responseTo interaction=1626543 fallback=TEXT]=Chestnut){Chestnut x ([extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0] item(s)) $[MUL [8.9, [extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0]]][customVar costCN=[MUL [[extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0], 8.9]]]]}] When the user clicks the quick reply (No Thanks!) in #1626549, they shouldn't have appeared.

Problem of Additional Spacing Again

Hi Admin, how do I solve this spacing again in #1616719?