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Why are they still appearing?

Hi Admin, I do not understand why the following still appear:
[IF([responseTo interaction=1626543 fallback=TEXT]=Extra White Rice){Extra White Rice x ([extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0] item(s)) $[MUL [0.8, [extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0]]] [customVar costCW=[MUL [[extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0], 0.8]]]]}]
[IF([responseTo interaction=1626543 fallback=TEXT]=Chestnut){Chestnut x ([extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0] item(s)) $[MUL [8.9, [extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0]]][customVar costCN=[MUL [[extractedData interaction=1626549 fallback=0], 8.9]]]]}]

When the user clicks the quick reply (No Thanks!) in #1626549, they shouldn't have appeared.