chatbot for desktop

You can create an application or interface to place the chatbot as a desktop

chatbot for desktop

It is possible to use snatch bot for desktop chat

Information source file possible?

Hey, my Bot have to answer questions. The answers are from the FAQ from our Website, so i did a lot of Interactions for all Answers. But now the question: It is possible that the Bot get Information (FAQ) directly from a Word-File or Text-File? Hope for Help

NLP model doesn't work properly

Hello, I created approximately 20 different NLP models (Entity) to detect different drug addictions. Most of them work fine. Just one model makes some trouble. I have added samples and trained the model. When I test individual of these samples by typing in just the sample everything works fine. As soon as I type in more than just the sample the detection fails. Example: "Crystal" --> works fine / "Ist Crystal ist gefährlich?" --> doesn't match Bot-ID: 75718 NLP Model: "Thema Crystal Meth" .../nlp/entity/73675 Do you have an idea what the problem is? Thanks in advance! Samuel


Hello, can I use the bot with Whatsapp ? Thank you Markus Maulbetsch

Broadcast send error

Hello! I tried to create my first broadcast and selected all of my 814 recipients. When it's sending, it mentioned send error.

Get Data and According Variable Names

Dear snatchbot community When I export the the chat data as an excel file via reports, I receive all the responses in a column labeled "Message". However, I can not see its according variable (i.e., the column "extracted data" is empty). How can I get a label for each message? Thanks a lot for your help.

I don't receive any confirmation email, so I cannot register

I don't receive any confirmation email, so I cannot register


Do you have integration with Microsoft teams?

Can't register

I was supposed to get a confirmation email but I never received anything. and there is no option to say forward mail. And I can not register.