Can SnatchBot display charts or data visualizations to the users?

Hi, Let's say my website has a dashboard with many charts and visualizations. the right thing to use the chat bot is by asking it the how much our sales increased since last week. Then, it will give you the number. However, is it possible for SnatchBot to display a chart in the chat? or is it possible to use data stored in any database and create charts out of it? For example, when the user asks how much my progress improved since last week, SnatchBot will display a chart showing him this. I don't think Snatchbot has this feature yet, but if is it possible to display charts in the chat, please let me know. Thank you

Json parse error

I have used a similar code in the documentation of but I am getting JSON parse error. API: Pics related to code is attached below. Can I know any updates regarding this?

Cant exit mobile chat.

Hi, Love the product. We're a recent startup testing your product but recent some users are telling us they cannot exit chat on mobile. They have no option with no X to allow them to shut the chat window on mobile only. Is this something wrong we have done? Thanks

Is basic functionality really free?

Good morning, I find the functionality Snatchbot offers very promising, but I have a question regarding the pricing. You say that for free plan, bot's users are unlimited and basic functions are included. How many users can a Facebook Messenger chatbot have per month? Is there a limit of their messages? Is there a limit on number of free bots with such functionality per account? Will upgrading for example one bot to Pro plan affect other bots created on the same account? I am waiting for your reply, Thank you

requesting a trial to test integrations

Can I have a trial account to test integration of this chatbot with whatsapp?

Connect to my backend with data extracted

Hi, I want to call a POST API with all the data extracted from chatbot in multiple interactions. Will the webhook be able to send the POST request or i need to use JSON API interaction. I saw the documentation and it says the last message can be sent but is there a way to send all the extracted information to backend (Eg:- name, email, phone number). I don't want to send custom messaged from backend but to just save the data extracted in my database

Can i get the updated Json api fromat?

Json api format for snatch bot is updated I think, As previous utterance with JSON API not working properly

How to deploy bot on my facebook page messenger?

How to deploy bot on my facebook page messenger? i logged in my facebook account when i pressed channels but whenever i tried to message my app my bot is nowhere to be found, pls help me fix this thanks. and more power!

Facebook Messenger passes the extracted name to a web chat

Dear Snatchi Team, I would like to connect two or more bots, or rather I would like to pass the user data from one bot to the next. Scenario: First bot -> Facebook Messenger passes the extracted name to a web chat is that possible ? Once again I would be very grateful for your help Manfred

Not getting response from webhook

This is the webhook I have integrated with snatchbot I am not getting a response from snatch bot