My youtube video can't be watched in messenger/viber

Hello, I have a problem with my video. The user can't watch it in the chat and he has to open youtube to watch it. It has been working 3 days ago, and now it doesn't. What's going on?

Whatsapp approval

Hi , I'm trying to get FB Business settings / requests approval (all ok at our side) but always getting You can’t accept 360dialog’s request access to MultiplierApp because of technical issues. can you pls help? We are expanding BRazil > Latam and it would be very helpfull integrated with Snatchbot. tks

How do I obtain telegram userID and have the bot outputting the userID using attributes

I tried using [attribute=userid] but it just doesn't work. Must I use the custom attributes? If I must use custom attributes, then how should I set it up?

i don't keyword(connexion) in Json

hi team snatchbot , i need your help everything is set correctrly in my Bot the only problem whent i get data return to json response i can't see the keyword button (i want add somthing like :"add to card" or "make oppointement") but nothing appear thank's for your help

I am unable to login

My email is [email protected] Please help urgently.

Shared Inbox and Trial Version

Hi, I have 2 questions: 1. Can I use this as a shared inbox for WhatsApp messages? 2. For 1 subscription (of say, $79/month), how many users can use it if I want to use it as a shared inbox, apart from the chatbot facility? 3. Do you offer a trial period to check whether the features are as per my expectation? 4. Do you create an WhatsApp API in the background? 5. What if I use it for certain months in a year and not use it for the other months (ours is a travel business, which is seasonal) Looking to hear from you. Amitava

Login issue

Hi Support, I have a user account that have issue to login. We try to reset the password. But try to login, it keep saying the password is wrong. When try login with google with the same email address. it managed to login, but always stuck at loading page. Email: [email protected]

Teams Integration

Hi, is there any signs yet of being able to integrate this tool with Microsoft Teams? Thanks

Telegram Quick Reply

Hi! When I use quick reply on telegram and choose a reply I can't see the option I choosed afterwards. On the testchat it works completely fine. Is there an option to change it, so that the user can see his own reply? Example Chatbot: How are you? Choose: Good, Ok, Bad After chosing: Chatbot: How are you? Thats great to hear. (Nothing can be seen on the user side) Thank you.

Welcome message takes too long and notice messages aren´t in the select language

Hi! My bot takes too long to start the send the message. Appears a message saying that the bot is writting but it doesn´t send the messages immediately, also if you have two windows with the chat open, the message sent telling that you have an active conversation in another tab is in English, despite that the configured language is spanish.