Reports Section Not Working

After the maintenance yesterday (22nd April 2020), the report section is not working. Applying filters does not give any result either. I have checked my internet connection and tried it from different browsers as well as on my cellphone through a data connection. What is the problem? None of my chatbot reports will show...

Custom Variable in Simple Connection doesn't work

I am unable to connect to 1629340 using the variable I have declared "qtyMoreThan5" from 1629341. How do I proceed from here? Please refer to the screenshots below.

Does Nested IF condition works in Snatchbot?

How do I do nested IF? As I am unable to produce the second IF [IF([showVar=ordernameG1]=Mixed Dried Fruit (Vitamins & General Goodness)){[showVar=ordernameG1] x ([extractedData interaction=1627719 fallback=0]item(s)) $[MUL [[showVar=priceG1], [extractedData interaction=1627719 fallback=0]]]][IF([extractedData interaction=1629334 fallback=0]>4){[showVar=ordernameG1] x ([extractedData interaction=1629334 fallback=0]item(s)) $[MUL [[showVar=priceG1], [extractedData interaction=1629334 fallback=0]]]]}]}]

Restrict access

Hello, is it possible to password protect or restrict access to build feature of the chatbot? I am building for clients and would prefer to have control of who can edit the build thanks

Mobile View is very small

Hi, When i try to use mobile to view the page that has the chatbot it appeasr very small , but when i try the chatbot on your website is working fine

How to minimise the space if there are IF operations in the bot statement?

Hi, How do I minimise the space presented when I input multiple IF operations in the bot statement? For IF operations that are not fulfilled, a huge amount of space is still presented in the message.

API Connection

Hello, I use the chat connection of Userlike on my homepage. Since I would like to deposit a Bot, here is my question: Is it possible to connect the Snatchbot to the platform of Userlike? Userlike is browser-based and already linked to my homepage. Friendly greetings Severin Bücheler

"Get Started" Button

Hi, from today my chatbot start with the "Get started" button but i don't want this because is a problem with my users. I already disable "Allow auto opening on page loading" but the button iis always displayed. How can i don't show this button to start my chat? My site is Thanks

Can I use bot on WhatsApp application ?

Can I use bot on WhatsApp application ?

Unable to add RSS Feed

When I try to add a Card with RSS Feed, the changes are not saved. When I test the interaction, it is blank. When I refresh the page, the Card disappears. I have tried more than 10 different RSS Feed URLs and tried all combination of settings. But the issue still persist.