Your system just deleted the last hour worth of content in the bot

Your system that keeps refreshing on the backend deleted the last hour worth of content in the bot. What the heck is going on this is ridiculous come on.

Confirmation Email

Hi, We keep getting the message that a confirmation letter is being sent to our email address, but it never arrives and we cannot login.

Can't connect my bot to a messenger

As in title, I can't add my bot to messenger. I do the following steps: Add another channel Facebook Messenger Use page (I pick a page) Save a greeting message Then I go to "messenger extensions" I click "submit your bot" I pick a page, and nothing happens? I couldn't find any tutorial on how to connect the bot to messenger, Could you please guide me through step by step? Thank you in advance

Attributes to my server

The attribute is successfully sent to my server but instead of the value of [extractedData interaction=179415 fallback=TEXT] , this whole thing i.e '[extractedData interaction=179415 fallback=TEXT] ' is being sent. Ex: if [extractedData interaction=179415 fallback=TEXT]= [email protected], then instead of getting [email protected] on my server i am getting [extractedData interaction=179415 fallback=TEXT]

Fallback After Delay

I would like to implement a timer system in a quiz for example. If the user doesn't choose an option in 10s (1000ms), then the bot would get to another interaction. I know there's the delay options, as well as the fallback one. How to combine them for my purpose? Thank you

Permanent Attributes

Could you kindly explain me how to redirect an user, whose session expired, to a particular interaction based on the user's choice, through permanent attributes? Example: • Choose: Red Yellow Green [Interaction 12345] • User chooses Red -> Attribute=[Response to Interaction 12345] • 3 hours (10800 seconds) pass and the session expires • User comes back Now, the user should skip the Interaction 12345 and go to another, based on his choice. So if an user chose Red, then he should directly go to Interaction 12346: You Chose Red! Do I need to use Prior Responses? Do I need to use If statements? Do I need to use Logic Operators? If you could explain me through a video or an example, it would be really useful, thank you.

Connect Bot With Google sheet (google Script)

Hi team SnatchBot thank's for all the powerfull job You do it for us and i wish you nice happy day !! Ok! im not good in coding i have two Question: 1- in channel section (other/api): i followed the instruction i create : (api_Key and Api_secret ) i get the link and i deploy it ==> I open it this link ( in google chrome I received this message : { "error": "Bad request", "status": false } Why I get This Message ? My second question : how can i use " your bot with google script" to get and post content !! thank You

Sending speech by post request

Last week I asked a question about how can I use microphone via API. [1] As per the answer, I can send base64 encoded audio like {"speech" : base64audio} Although this hasn't worked for me. The bot always says "Sorry, could not recognize your message, please try again." I am pretty sure I encoded my audio file to base64 string. I tried sending a base 64 encoded audio from command line as well. In both the cases the response was "Sorry, could not recognize your message, please try again.". I am not sure where I went worng. Could I get some help on this? [1]

Issue with facebook's official wordpress plugin

Hy, I tried to implement snatchbot script into wordpress messenger plugin. It works fine, except that Persistent menu Restart button click and Text Card button clicks are not working. All in all, I think there is a problem with Messenger Wordpress Plugin button clicks.

Styling Viber Bot

Hi, I wonder if there any option to change the style of elements on Viber bot as: - background of the quick reply - background persistent - color of fonts It's allowed for WebChat, but on Viber, I haven't seen any solution. Thank you