How can I propose my users to choose beween answers that are longer than 20 Characters

Hi there, I am a new user of Snatchbot, and I am struggling to build my first chatbot. I would like to give my users the possibility to answer my questions with predefined sentences. These sentences are longer than the 20 characters-long Quick answers. Could you please show me how to do that? Thanks a lot!!!!!!! Best Delph

JSON API interaction not working

Hi, I'd like to use a JSON API interaction in my bot. I want my bot to contact an API running on my PC on port 8080. So I created a JSON API interaction, and filled the field "Your API address" with: <my_IP_address>:8080/<my/URI/path> When I test it, I'm always getting the error message (field "Error Response" in the interaction). According to the logs of my API, I am sure that it received nothing. And when I send the request via Postman, it works. Any idea about what's wrong?

Change color of Quick reply buttons

Is it possible to change the color of the quick reply buttons? In dark mode I can barely see them.

Urgent: Query on Storage of Data

Dear Snatchbot, We are working on a chat bot project in Mauritius and are concerned about the privacy of our clients data. Can you please inform us on where the data is stored on your servers and if we can store it locally. Regards, Rishi Gujadhur

Integration of chatbot to registration form

If I click submit button then can my chatbot move to any other page like registration form? So that user can make their entry on form itself

Can we go ton an other interaction at the end of one?

Hello, One of my interaction is a bot statement wich said "can i help you?" I want to know if its possible, at the end of a bot statement to go to an other interaction without any action from our user? Thanks for your help, and sorry for my bad english.

how set attribute for webhook connected to integromat

I have set the information about attribut as in the lessons(tutorial) , and i sent them to integromat i receive the information but in variable section . i connect the webhook to google sheet in the column where i want drop emails i can't found the variable or the attribute !! i don't understand where the problem . is the problem comme from snatchbot or integromat . thank you for helping me my idBot : 114763

Problem Answer Bot

Hi, It sometimes happens that the bot takes a long time to answer. I see the "typing" appears then nothing more ...? Do you Know that kind of problem ?

Shift close button on right

Hi Team, By using my custom CSS, I was able to shift the close button to right till day before yesterday. But the close button css is not getting applied from yesterday. Here is the CSS. #sntch_header { position: absolute !important; left: 0px !important; right: 8px !important; z-index: 100002 !important; } Other changes in custom CSS are very much applied, only this one is missing. Is there anything which can help us Thanks, Prashan

Interactions repeat automatically while click on any command Button

If we keep any interaction idle for some time then when we choose any other command or action button it starts from starting Menu. Even it happens in between continuous options also. What is the reason behind this and how can we cure it.