Repeated messages

Hello, I'm having a problem with the facebook messenger. Every day I send a new message to my subscribers, but there is a message (sent on June 17) that is sent only to some people up to 4 times a day. In addition, an audio message is usually sent where a voice is heard saying numbers. It's very weird. I have verified and do not have scheduled or repeat messages. But still both the old message and the audio are sent alone, to anyone and many times. You can help me?

My snatchbot on Facebook Messenger only works with admins and not the public.

I was successful getting my snatchbot working on facebook. However when testing using any account besides my facebook account (which is an admin on the page) it didn't work properly. Am I missing a setting or is this a bug? I'm hoping this will work because I'm impressed with snatchbot compared to the other bots I've tried recently.

webview installation

I have another concern. how to display content in a webview on my snatchbot!    I would like all users of my bot to follow my url and video links in a webview to prevent them from getting out of my bot. You already understand the interest !!! lol !.     Thank you in advance.


Hello, I am trying to build a bot for attendance capturing. is there any way I can track user's location which can be imported in exceptionalities report once the person punch in the attendance?

how can i save whole conversation in my databse??

i want to save whole conversation in my database?? how can i do it?

Is it possible to send automatic follow up messages?

One feature is missing what I saw on other chatbot platforms... is there any way to send automatic follow up messages? For example New user should automatically get 3 messages on the second, third and fourth day after they subscribed my bot.

Randomising Images

Hello guys, I am using this cool option {} to randomise text content in my bot. But I want to respond with different template images instead of text. How do I randomise images in snatchbot?

Audio & Video with Messenger

Hello, Is there a way to play a video within the Bot on Messenger, and not launching the Youtube app or Vimeo automatically ? Any way to play large mp3 files and exceed the FB Messenger limit ? Thanks Cheers Alain

CSS .message__body don't change

Good morning, I'm trying to change the size of the CSS .message__body text field, but unfortunately I can't. In the documentation it says I can make this change, but I don't have this option in the Custom CSS fields. Would you help me?

Quick replies no more working

Hello Snatchbot Support team, I have always been very satisfied with your product but today my chatbot seems broken. All quick replies on the welcome message just restart the bot and do not send to the targeted interactions anymore. Also, I cannot remove these quick replies or make new ones on the welcome message. Can you please help me with this situation and make these quick replies work again ? Thank you very much, Lucas