Overwrite Attribute Values

Hi, on one of my bots I ask the user to provide his/her name and email in order to add the info to our mailing list. The issue i'm seeing is that, since the attributes are persistent once set, if I ask for the info to the user again, I cannot set new values on the attributes. They always return the initial values set on them. What command can I use to clear the attributes values or overwrite them with the latests values the user provides? My bot does the following: 1. Ask the user for the name 2. Ask the user for the email 3. Set the attributes user_name and user_email with the values provided using the [responseTo interaction=#### fallback=0] 4. Using Automation, send the values to a google spreadsheet Issue is that the values sent to the spreadsheet are always the same even though the user comes back and give another name or email.

Duration Message comparing with current time

I actually want to provide the duration between current time and my given time to my bot use. Suppose I have a theater and my user want to know how much time left for the next show. So I want to give a time list with will provide the information about when the last movie started and when the next movie will start. In this case, how should I will be able to use snatchbot for this problem.

wordpress RSS feeds are not imported by the bot when you use RSS feed option

wordpress RSS feeds are not imported by the bot when you use RSS feed option

How can I schedule replies to be sent after some time?

How can I schedule replies to be sent after some time?

Guiding persons to my bot

Hi There, is it possible for me to add a tag, or a floating alert that says "Need Help?" or simply "Help?" that can alert persons to the bot's existence? I have seen this on other bots - artibot, zotabox etc. but can't seem to find this feature set in snatchbot. Thanks Tracey

Just need way to add bot to my facebook page. Thanks


Attributes work incorrectly

ID: #105696 1st Interaction (#165581): user complets CAPTCHA and get redirected to 2nd Interaction (#165582), where he needs to click on /start in order to come back to 1st Interaction, here user clicks on "/profilo" and gets directed to 3rd Interaction (#165583) and there he must click on "/riscatta", he finally gets to 4th Interaction (#165584). Now, I set two attributes on 1st Interaction: "codice=5FREE2020" and "5FREE2020=0". On 4th Interaction user must insert the code (in this case "5FREE2020") and he'll get directed to 5th Interaction (#165585), where I created 3 cards, 1 for each condition: 1st Card [IF([attribute=5FREE2020]=0){[IF([responseTo interaction=1655684 fallback=Errore.]=[attribute=codice]){Il codice è stato riscattato con successo e hai ricevuto 5 💎. [setAttribute gems=[ADD [[attribute=gems], 5]]] [setAttribute 5FREE2020=1] Per tornare al menu principale, scrivi /start.}]}] 2nd Card [IF([responseTo interaction=1655684 fallback= ]![attribute=codice]){Il codice non è valido o è scaduto, inseriscine un altro ritornando alla sezione di riscatto con /riscatta. Per tornare al menu principale, scrivi /start.}] 3rd Card [IF([attribute=5FREE2020]=1){[IF([responseTo interaction=1655684 fallback=Errore]=[attribute=codice]){Il codice inserito è già stato riscattato, riscattane un altro con /riscatta. Per tornare al menu principale, scrivi /start.}]}] If the user writes something different from "codice", the 2nd Card will appear, if the code is right and it was written for the 1st time, the 1st one will appear, if it was written for the 2nd/3rd/etc. time, the 3rd one will appear. The 2nd Card works properly, while the 1st and the 3rd one not, because eventhough on 1st Interaction I set [setAttribute 5FREE2020=0], the 3rd Card appears, while the 1st one should appear instead. Test it by yourself.

Sample of a pro bot

Good morning, it's me again. I wanted to ask if you could create a sample of pro bot on all the channels so that we could try it. Moreover, I wanted to ask a confirmation about this: I remember being told that on Telegram the qr could be sent without "Choose:" only if there was no persistent menu, so, if my bot was pro, and since I could remove completely the persistent menu (also Snatchbot branding), then on a pro bot qr could be sent without "Choose:"? Is that right?

After the maintenance intent NLP doesn't work properly

After the maintenance some of my intent NLP return true if I use the test function with a sentence. But when I write the same sentence in the test chat the bot doesn't recognize it or respond with an erroneous interation and viceversa.

Issue with cards

Hey, guys, I'm using the card gallery to ask the user multiple choice question, and we get the expected output about 80% of the time, the other 20% the bot just restarts, what's going on with that?