Automated Sequences

Hey guys! Can we create automated sequences for Messenger on Snatchbot? Example: the user clicks on a button and automatically subscribes to a sequence, where he will receive a message in 5 minutes, another one in 24h, other one in 48h... Can we do it? Thanks!

Api coneection dont found for me

We have an api but I am not able to pull the values ​​and enviusos to chatbot

intents on chatbase

How do i set my intents on chatbase as chatbase status that all message coming from snatch bot dont have a intent set

Think I found a vulnerability to inject HTML

In this picture, I stylized a message using HTML tags. They do not show up on the admin's screen, yet they do show up on the client's side. Proof

Only one facebook fanpage appears in snatchbot

My facebook account has several fanpages. I want deploy my bot to another fanpage but only one default fanpage appears in deploying window and I could not deploy it.

GDPR contract?

Hi, my bot asks for personal information so because of the GDPR I need an contract with snatchbot. Where do I get this? Couldn't find any help so far. Thanks Jan

i have no recipients as list???

I'm trying to broadcast an SMS bot, but are not able because I can not choose any SMS telephone number.

Remove Agent Name

Hi there, I recently installed the Marketing Bot template, but I can't seem to remove/change the Agent Name from the bot. Any idea how to do this?

Long loading time

Hello, I implemented my bot on my webside. Everything works fine except that there is a long loading time of the bot (about 10-15 seconds, I know it doesnt sound like a lot but users are often impatient). Is there anything I can do to reduce the long loading time of the js (has the largest loading time) or is there anything in work?

How can I exit from an Email Extraction interaction without providing a valid email?

For instance, I want to make providing an email optional, or I want the user to be able to back out. How can I do that? From my testing none of the connections get evaluated if the text provided isn't a valid email.