Response Blocked by Chrome's Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB)

My Chrome browser is blocking the response from my API POST call and giving me the following error: Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response ...with MIME type text/plain Is it possible for you to set your response's Content-Type to "application/json" instead of "text/plain"? I believe this will make the error go away based on this article:

how do i remove the bot from my facebook messenger

how do i remove the bot from my facebook messenger?

API issue - Access denied (Get message and Post message)

I followed the documentation here and setup the API channel: When I make calls to the API endpoint(with the app key and secret) obtained when I added the channel, I'm getting the error below: {"error":"Access denied","status":false} I tried both the Get Message and Post Message(with header Content-Type: application/json, user_id as query param and message in the json body). I used the user_id obtained from the log of a JSON API interaction within the same conversation. Am I missing something here! Any help is much appreciated.

Remove Persistent Menu

Is there a way to remove or deactivate the persistent menu?

Welcome New Users in Telegram

Hello, how does it work, if i want to send an automitic Welcome Message to New Users in a Telegram Group? What should i do?

How do I remove the bot from mobile devices?

Once open the bot on mobile, it can't be closed, how do I remove it from mobile devices? Please help urgently! thanks!

Embedding my bot on Wix

I am trying to embed my bot onto my website that I built with Wix. I added an HTML iframe and pasted the code to embed it. However, it does not show up on my page. Is there a step I am missing? I'm not an expert on coding, but I also surrounded the code with <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> and </body> </html>. Wix doesn't let me edit the HTML of my whole website, but rather put in an HTML frame. I was able to embed a bot from in the same webpage, but wanted to use a Snatchbot bot because of the added data collection, complex schemes, and customization. Hope I'm able to get this figured out and added to my site. Thanks!

Webhook test always shows 404-Not Found

I have raised this ticket earlier, but was closed saying URL is not valid. I have tried with different URLs still shows not found. I have tried with other tools to test the URL and successfully able to get 200 ok status, Could you please give me details on why webhook is failing when it is called from your side. Thanks

Mobile Number is invalid

Hi Team, Thanks for all the help. I have encounter a weird bug. In my BOT ID: 29618 I have choosen India as my country in my mobile Interaction. It takes all the 10 digit number but throws error for below.number Mobile number: 6778678623 Please suggest on this. Thanks, Prashan

Chatbot not working on Telegram

ID: 71055 Bot not responding on Telegram, while working in test version