Bot Connection Error

Hello, I've written in a few times but there wasn't any reply. My bot is not working. The error it displayed is "Error connecting to the bot: network connection lost or this bot has been unpublished by its creator". Please help, thank you.

Send informations by email

Hello everyone I'm a starter here and need help with creation of email to send informations to my team. We want to send all informations about conversation in email, for example: Customer name: Joe Deadline: 09/09/20 Briefing: Please create a post with my logo Network: Facebook

I do not receive confirmation mails

Dear Snatchbot-Team, I've tried with a couple of different e-mail addresses over the last few days but I do not receive the confirmation mails on any of them. I've checked the spam folders and even changed the settings so that no e-mail goes to the spam folder. Any chance you could help me with that and activate my account? Thank you very much and best wishes, Florian

email activation

Hello, I haven't received the registration mail. When I try the password recovery I receive the mail. Thank you for you're help! Best regards Nicolas

Text Messages?

Hello, we noticed that the homepage of your site shows the Apple Messenger logo as well as Slack. How can we get messages from users to send to a phone so we can respond via text?

Plugins not working properly when integration

hey, dr.nila is working perfectly in the build tab of plugins when I tried to integrate its facing issues. please resolve it asap.

Free plan vs Pro Plan

1. How many interaction can be created in free plan versus Pro Plan? 2. How many Connection can be created in free plan versus Pro Plan?

I keep getting error 404

Hi, I keep getting error 404 whenever I add a rest api interaction. The url does not get verified and it throws the error 404 but I can confirm that the url is responding the json data correctly. Is there something I'm missing?

SnacthBot Api

Hi, I created a webhook that listening coming message from POST method via Postman. But when I send a message from inbox in dashboard. I coudln't see in webhook. I want to listen all send/receive messages in webhook. How can I solve that?