
Bonjour , Comment connecter le bot à mon compte Hubspot ? En ajoutant Hubsport à mes interactions je ne vois pas comment les deux plateforme vont échanger. Merci d'avance

"Text To Speech" issue?

Hello. "Text to Speech" cannot generate Japanese male voice. Is it a technical issue? Thank you and best regards.

Error msg for JSON API

To test my JSON API error msg output I deliberately changed my server file name (means api call will give 404). But the bot did not give any error msg. It simply kept on taking input and moved nowhere. How can I give users a msg in case our webhook/api server is down? Also I have noticed that even if I change the API address (and click verify to get 200 for the new address), responses still get sent to the old API address. Even though the GUI keeps showing the new url.

Technical problem with Snactchbot and Facebook?

Hi! My bot is not responding on Facebook, despite I haven´t change anything... is there any technical problem with Snactchbot and Facebook now? Kind regards!

Conversacion inicial con SnatchBot

He integrado SnatchBot a mi pagina web, pero me abre el cuadro de conversacion cuando entro a mi pagina, como modifico eso para que no me abra inicialmente ese cuadro

Bot not responding to live messages

Hi Team, I've upgraded my bot to pro account, but suddenly bot is not responding to live messages. bot id is 130208. Thanks.

Can I return a user's answers to them?

Is there any way to return a user's answers to questions back to them?

Can I create a bot to manage my phone calls?

Good morning Okay, I'm in a hurry and this search came up empty even in the community search. Would it be possible to have an nlp bot for managing my smartphone phone calls? You know, say out loud they open up that call or end it? Or would it be possible to build a button then? Thanks for your help in advance.

For what period does 50 000 messages restriction apply in free plan?

I want to create WhatsApp bot. Free plan has restriction of 50 000 messages. Is it per month? Or per bot per month? Or it is an overall messages count for snatchbot account on free plan.

Can I see examples of Snatchbot branding in messages for free plan?

I want to see examples of Snatchbot branding in messages for free plan. How does branding look like?