How to use attributes in extended APi interaction

So ive got a plugin with an extended Api interaction and it can read the data from the response perfectly fine. But I am trying to take a response from a previous message and use that as part of my GET message and instead of sending the response of a previous message it is sending. "[responseTo interaction=3449869 fallback=1]" What am i doing wrong?

Bots not sendig

Good day. I trust that this message finds you well. Since Monday 9 August 2021 both our bots are not sending the scheduled messages anymore. Is there any technical issues at the moment?

how to auto add a replay on every post?

i would like to select a friend on Facebook and any post he is posting I want to add a like and to add a comment is there any guide on how to do this?

Connection using custom variable not working.

When arriving at a given interaction, I am able to showVar for a previously set custom variable. So this confirms the variable is set. But at this same interaction, I try to set conditional connections with the conditions: If custom variable <var> contains whole word <value> then go to <interaction>. But it never works. No action happens, not even the fallback connection. What could be the problem? There is no user input at this time. I want the bot message to be shown and then for it to evaluate a previously set variable to decide which reponse/interaction to go to, without user input at this stage.

Multiple IF statements: how?

Hello, I've seen a couple comments that said issues with multiple IF statements in a response have been resolved. Is this true? If don't see though how we are supposed to write them. The examples given in these questions and responses are normally problem situations. It's hard to know whether they're supposed to work or not. Thanks!

Move apiKey and Api secret to Query String.

Dear SnatchBot, Is It possible to move Api Secret key to header, to sanitaze it then? Sending Api Secret within URL is not secure todays. Thank you for reply!

Can't send message to chat

Hello. I've created bot, activated WebChat, API. After sending message to API via POSTMAN, get response: body null. Here is my POST: Body: {"message": "Some text that you want to send bot"} Message is not added to chat. Also I can't post messages via created web-chat link: Or if I put script tag to html page. Chat does not receive messages from users.

chamando outras API

Não estou conseguindo testar as chamadas de API Eu gostaria de um exemplo

Chatbase & Snachbot

Que pasara con nuestros bot´s?, ¿dejaran de funcionar?, ¿por que nos afecta?

Start with skype, viber and messanger

Hello! Can we do this to a chatbot . I mean start with this dialog so we let the client to choose between these tools?