Any news about Quick replies on Telegram?

I Iwanted to know if there were any news about the "Choose:" problem on Teelgram and I would like also to propose some suggestions. For example, Rich Cards right now appear like this on Telegram: Text Field Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 If the team managed to introduce a text field to Rich Cards, then why couldn't they also introduce it to Quick Replies? Moreover I would like to ask if you could add any way to let us customize the buttons' position, because right now you can only put 3 buttons per row, however I would like to put 4 buttons, 2 per row, like this: Text Field Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Buttons 4 I think it would be really useful and definetely way more aesthetic.

extract data

how I can extract the data in Wide format? or how you can see the entire interaction and then archive it once you have processed it? Thank you!

New window in link

When i use a link, this link open a new window... Is there a way to open a link in the same window?

SME Office Bot erase

I'm using one of the templates called SME Office Bot. This shows over each of the messages. The bot number is SME Office Bot 90653. I have change the name to emotion but the message remain as SME office. Can you please tell me how to change this

Configure inactivity message snatchbot

Hi, I have a question... all my bot have spanish language, but the inactivity message is display in english. Can I change this message to spanish?

Double interaction

Hi, is anyone facing the problem of double iterations being created when you create an interaction? it was working ok before but I started with this problem with no apparent reason. I get two interactions with the same interaction number. Also if I create a card and try to add a phone number, I get 2 phone numbers added to the card. Erasing doesn't work since erase both. Is anyone having the same problem?

I want to position the bot icon bottom left of the page? How?

I want to position the bot icon bottom left of the page? How?

Extract entities from NLP

Hello, I would like to know if there is any way to extract entities detected by the NLP (i.e. names or organizations) from a sentence and add them to a variable or an attribute.

delayed question without typing animation

hi, i'm looking for a way to delay an answer without displaying the "typing" animation ! thanks

Pre authenticated users / data

Hi, I'm searching everywhere but I can't find it. My users are already authenticated and I have theirs api_tokens, I would like to attach that data in the moment SnatchBot is initialized on my website so if user will ask for something, I will already know with who I'm dealing with and making further connection with JSON to my database, I will be able to give the results only for that specific user. I used other Chat services before and it was easy with JavaScript to add custom variables on Chat init.