chat size is not correct

chat size on mobile is not smooth, i can't close or write it please support you can Check it in

Is it a way to have cards in 2 colums so that visitors doesn t scroll?

Disable text input

Hello! In the new interface I cannot find disable text input. I want only visitors to choose

NLP training not work

Hello After create a NLP model based on entities. When i try to training with samples, always gave an error response

How to remove chatbot account when FB pages already delete

Hi. I don't know how to fix this problem. I cannot access my dashboard. ------ Page Connection Lost Connection to this page was lost. Sometimes this happens after you log out of Facebook or change Page settings on Facebook. Nothing to worry about, just press "Reconnect Page" and everything will start working again.

How can I reset the Prior Response and Veriables data.

How can I reset the Prior Response and Veriables data.

I can't get a response from the user.

User cannot input text What could be the problem? Warning: You cannot respond to this conversation.

No updates?

I know asking for ETA is an inappropriate behaviour, but since it's been a month from the last one, I would like to know if it will be released next week.

Analytics Dashboard

If there are multiple managers, all accessing the dashboard, can they filter the awaiting conversations e.g. by claims for the claims manager, by new clients for the sales manager, etc. Would I need advanced analytics for this with my Bot having a pro plan subscription? If so is there documentation on how to set up the dashboard view.

Pro Plan Activation

Hello, I paid for pro plan but my balance is still 0. When will it be activated?