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New global webhook it is not returning the specified parameters

Hi, how are you doing?

I need to recover the user_id of every message, but even selecting all parameters in the set-up page it is not returning them to me.

This is what I get, with all the parameters selected to return by webhook:

{"bot_id":151073,"message_data":{"channel":"api","from":"Servicio al Cliente","message":"Bienvenido a Envios Infinito\n\nAhora mismo te estamos atendiendo por medio de nuestro chat automatizado disponible las 24 horas del día los 7 días de la semana.\n\nPor favor escribe tu opción de preferencia\n\n1) Soporte Logístico\n2) Soporte Técnico\n3) Ventas\n4) Servicio al Cliente","module_id":2349400},"session_id":58103761,"source":"bot","timestamp":"2021-02-03T18:26:29.027082447Z"}

As you can see there is not user_id