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user_id in global webhook

Hi everyone, I am new using snatchbot and I thinks is amazing

Im working in an integration between 3 servers and snatchbot, I am using a key parameter that I am alloting to user_id in snatchbot.

But in global webhook, I just recieve this data when is the user sending something, but when is snatchbot responding, the Json doesnt send me this parameter

{"bot_id":151073,"message_data":{"channel":"api","from":"Customer Service","message":"test message","module_id":2349906},"session_id":57802995,"source":"bot","timestamp":"2021-01-14T20:20:02.714386743Z"}

There is something I can do, since I am using snatchbot 100% from api, and if I wasn't able to get this user_id, then all this integration would be useless
