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How to call the webhook once the interaction is called

I want to call a webhook once an interaction is opened in that webhook i want to pass an string as a parameter which i receive based on the previous interaction selected option
For Example:

Interaction 1 : Option 1 and Option 2
Interaction 2: call webhook

If the user selects option1 or option 2 i am showing the result in Interaction2 like below

[IF([responseTo interaction=1868610 fallback=TEXT]=1){Case132: Horn Fracture}]
[IF([responseTo interaction=1868610 fallback=TEXT]=2){Case133: Horn Fracture in complete}]

Based on the previous response i need to send the case132 parameter to my webhook once this interaction is opened and i don't want to show any message to the user once interaction2 is opened since the response will be taken care by the function i create in my webhook.

May i know how to handle this case.