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Multi line messages coming from Line Chat can't be assigned to Variables or Attributes

Really enjoying playing around with your bot maker so far but I've bumped into a bit of a problem with Variables and Attributes.
When using the
[customVar KEY=VALUE]
[setAttribute KEY=VALUE]
commands, the code breaks when receiving a value containing a line break from Line such as:

Item 1
Item 2

And variable set as [customVar KEY=[responseTo interaction=ID fallback=TEXT]]
The response from the bot ends up being plain text:

[customVar KEY=Item 1
Item 2]

And no customVar is assigned.
There is no breakage if the response does not contain a line break such as:

Item 1 Item 2

Is there a way to allow for line breaks and / or scrub them out?
I'm hoping to make a simple ordering interaction where to things to be ordered are listed separated by line breaks.

Thanks in advance for any help!