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Talking about Custom Variables and Custom Attributes

Sorry for always disturbing you but...
I have two questions about custom attributes and custom variables:
• Attribute values will remain also after session expires...But will the value be kept, if its value is a custom variable?

Example on 1st Interaction:
<<Welcome user!

You have [attribute=Gems].

[CustomVar Gems=0]
[setAttr Number=[ShowVar=Gems]]>>

• I found out I can apply arithmetical functions also with attributes in this way: [ADD[[attribute=Gems],1], however, if an user immediately comes back to the 1st interaction, his Gems will always be 0, because I set the custom variable to 0, moreover variables' value doesn't keep after session expires, so I wanted to save an user's Gems through a custom attribute in this way...

1st interaction:
<<Welcome user!
To earn 5 Gems, write "5GEMS".

You have [ShowVar=Gems].

[setAttr Number=0]
[CustomVar Gems=[attribute=Number]>>

The user writes 5GEMS and he will be redirected to the Interaction 2:
<<Congratulations, now you have [ADD[ShowVar=Gems],5]!>>

Let's say the user before had 0 Gems, now he has 5.
How can I make the bot remember the new variable's value considering that in the 1st interaction there is [setAttr Number=0]? And how I can keep it also after session expires?

Thank you.