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Almost ready to start using Snatchbot with our clients

Hi, I have a question about where does Snatchbot store and process data gathered by the bots?

  1. In one of your posts (I can't find it atm) you stated that you process data in Virginia and Frankfurt. Based on what do you select the servers that are used? For example, are all EU member state personal data kept only on the Frankfurt servers? Or can we as the Snatchbot user determine which location to use for storing data?

  2. What data do you gather? I would assume you store all data and discussion history passed by Snatchbot chatbots on any site, am I right? This is not an issue for us as long as we don't handle private contact data of our website visitors via chatbots, but for example if we do a "newsletter opt-in" via chatbot, that email address is passed by Snatchbot servers and you store the data somewhere. Am I right?

  3. For how long do you store the data gathered by chatbots?

  4. Do you grant access for third parties to use the data gathered by chatbots? Or do you reserve the right to sell this information to third partiens?

These are a few questions we, and a couple of our large clients need answered in order to implement Snatchbot chatbots on our sites. Especially for the questions 1 and 2 we would like answers as we searched the web and your site for these but didn't find an answer.

Thank you very much,