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How to format extracted data?

How can I format extracted data so I can display it to the user is a way that looks good?

Specifically, I'm trying to show an extracted address. When I try the Restaurant Bot template, starting at the "Delivery - address" interaction, I get a correct but ugly output. For example, when I respond with "2001 Ashton Ave, Menlo Park", the bot's "Delivery - success" interaction says:

"Your order is received and will be delivered to the {"address":"2001 Ashton Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA","coordinates":"{"lat":37.4342187,"lng":-122.2016753}"}."

I'd much rather it say:

"Your order is received and will be delivered to 2001 Ashton Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA."

But I'm unsure how to do that. Is there a way?