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How can I connect JSON or Excel, Google Sheet ?

I just read document about connect JSON, Excel or Google sheet, so I cannot understand it, do you have any video for the setup guide ?
I have file JSON example :
"Sheet1": [
"Code": "36",
"NH": "AVM",
"Ten_NhaHang": "CN nha hang",
"SHIFTDATE": "3/31/19 0:00",
"Ca": "Lunch",
"So_Ca": "136",
"So_Bill": "11",
"Khach": "2",
"Loai_Khach": "Bạn bè/Gia đình"
"Code": "36",
"NH": "AVM",
"Ten_NhaHang": "CN nha hang H",
"SHIFTDATE": "4/2/19 0:00",
"Ca": "Dinner",
"So_Ca": "140",
"So_Bill": "21",
"Khach": "1"

I need user ask Code and NH and bot reply all of them column relate to Code and NH
