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Possible bug : "showVar" and "setAttribute" together.


It seems there is a bug when we set the value of an attribute (setAttribute) in the same interaction where we call the value a of variable (showVar).

Here is a simplified example to reproduce the bug :

{Interaction 001}
What is your first name?

{Interaction 002}
What is your middle name?
[customVar varFirstName=[responseTo interaction=001 fallback=TEXT]]

{Interaction 003}
[showVar=varFirstName], what is your last name?
[setAttribute attrMiddleName=[responseTo interaction=002 fallback=TEXT]]

In this case the output of Interaction 003 is (between the dashes) :

George, what is your last name?

There is a "]" left from the instruction to set the attribute. Also, except this visible effect, the value of the attribute is not set correctly.

If we don't call the value of the variable (showVar), or if we don't set the value of the attribute (setAttribute), so they don't exist together in the same interaction, then there is no problem.

Note : The attribute has been defined in an earlier interaction.