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Nlp not working if there're not spaces between words


i'm testing nlp in Italian.
I've foud a problem when there're not spaces between words or simbols.
For example if i wrote "qual'è lo stato del mio ordine?" the nlp found 1 entity "stato", instead of i wrote "qual'è lo stato del mio ordine ?" the nlp found 2 entity "stato" and "ordine".

This problem occurs even in your pretrained model; for example in the detect locations model you wrote:

Trained model based on a neural network, detected locations 

L'insolazione dell'Australia supera di gran lunga i valori medi in Europa, Russia e gran parte del Nord America.
Found matches:
Europa, Russia, America

As you can see the nlp non find "australia" only beacuse there's not a space from dell' and australia.