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Custom Variable and Arithmetic Calculations


Thanks a lot for your useful responses.

But in the third interaction below, I either want the user to input their gender (male / female) or I also tried creating Quick Reply buttons to connect to the next interaction. But either way it is giving an error response. After the third interaction when I enter a number, I am getting the desired output but when I enter text, it results in error message. Kindly help me on that.

Interaction 1: Hi! Please enter your first value.

Interaction 2: Great! Now enter your second value. [customVar A=[responseTo interaction=1 fallback=TEXT]]

Interaction 3: Excellent! Please mention your gender.
[customVar B=[DIV [[showVar=A], [responseTo interaction=2 fallback=TEXT]]]]

Interaction 4: The result is [IF([showVar=B]=5){Congratulations.}]