Release: 20th December 2019
over 4 years ago by Deleted User
New Features
Completely new feature for Pro user: Automations.
Use it for easy data migration from and to Google Sheets. Login with your Google Account and SnatchBot will do the rest - create a spreadsheet and start filling it with user input. Specify the attribute and the data will be published automatically.
- Added possibility to specify attributes as connection criteria, similar to already familiar custom variables.
- New in JSON API interaction: you can now specify if you want to send text and voice message together, or only voice. The new parameter "show text" will help you to control it.
- New channel: Africa's Talking.
- Balance history: clearer view on the status of your payments.
- Webchat widget was greatly enhanced, new customisable options: custom message next to widget icon and unread message notification, engaging users to start the chat with your bot.
- Address extraction interaction now supports sharing live location! If the user opts for sending location marker from Facebook Messenger or Skype - it will be recognized as an address. The option is now available in Webchat as well - the user can specify his location by dragging the location pin if it was not detected automatically.
- We are now adding templates in different languages. For our users using language subdomains the templates in their language will be displayed on top.
- Updated Advanced Stats, Average lifetime of bots.
- We removed the Submit your bot tab from Facebook settings as they discontinued it. This is not a mistake!
- We constantly work on localisation of the website. Do not hesitate contacting us if you spotted something.
Bug fixes
- Await response: bot owner used to receive a duplicate of email notification after session expired
- Custom variable bracket fix
- Fixed Persistent menu display for some Telegram bots
- Fixed Persistent menu for webchat channel
- Telegram channel: fixed "typing..." status display
- Fixed the case when it was impossible to remove gallery
- API channel: fixed Await response iinteraction
- Weather plugin: fixed restart of the plugin in Telegram and Facebook.
- Text-to-Speech: fixed the issue when it was impossible to switch voice to another one
- Email channel: fixed interaction switch
- Fixed chat counter in Inbox
- Fixed the display of voice message duration for Firefox browser
- Fixed the layout of RSS card in one line display mode
- Inbox: fixed the display of voice messages (TTS that was not followed by a text message)
- Extraction interactions: text was duplicated if Error response was empty
- Webchat: fixed the display of Get Started button in Safari browser
- Fixed sorting of chats in Inbox
- Forced https in Gallery URLs - please use secure links
- Webchat responsive: iOS display fixes
- Fixed issue on trying to invite a collaborator who has already been invited
- Fixed the error on trying to import a bot
- API channel: added possibility to fetch messages "from bot" and "from user"
- Messenger: fixed the error when attributes were missin on th forst usage of the bot
- Fixed login and register for iOS 11 users
- JSON API attribute saving fixed
- Facebook Customer chat plugin: fixed Greeting dialog display
- Weather: fixed step order in the plugin
- Pictures will no longer be recognized as user response by bot in Telegram and Webchat
- Fixed newsletter subscription on main page on mobile devices.
- Fixed the possibility to switch to other channels on iOS devices in Webchat
- Fixed complex logic expressions with double conditions.
- Fixed Await Response notification indicator
- Fixed Error response in JSON API interaction - now it will appear when API URL is wrong.