Python Code

Is it possible to implement this code to my bot? # coding: utf-8 #!/usr/bin/env python # # Based on # Author: Kirill Vasin import logging from time import time from collections import deque logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SpamFilter: def __init__(self): self.limits = {1:3, 5:7, 10:10} # max: 3 updates in 1 second, 7 updates in 5 seconds, 10 updates in 10 seconds self.timeout_start = 10 self.severity = 2 self.timeouts = {} self.times = {} self.violations = {} def new_message(self, chat_id): update_time = time() if chat_id not in self.timeouts: self.timeouts.update({chat_id: 0}) self.times.update({chat_id : deque(maxlen=10)}) self.violations.update({chat_id: 0}) else: if self.timeouts[chat_id] > update_time: return 1 for limit in self.limits: amount = 1 for upd_time in self.times[chat_id]: if update_time - upd_time < limit: amount += 1 else: break if amount > self.limits[limit]: delta = int(self.timeout_start * self.severity ** self.violations[chat_id]) self.timeouts[chat_id] = update_time + delta self.violations[chat_id] += 1 logger.warning("User %s is sending too many requests, broke %s limit", chat_id, limit) return "Too many requests. Operations will be availiable in {0}".format(delta) self.times[chat_id].appendleft(update_time) return False def wrapper(self, func): # only works on functions, not on instancemethods # Only works for messages (+Commands) and callback_queries (Inline Buttons) def func_wrapper(bot, update): if update.callback_query: chat_id = elif update.message: chat_id = update.message.chat_id timeout = self.new_message(chat_id) if not timeout: return func(bot, update) # return is required by ConversationHandler elif timeout != 1: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=timeout) return func_wrapper blocker = SpamFilter() # @blocker.wrapper # def start(bot, update): # Thank you

Custom Variable Bug

Hy, I have a question with custom variables. I would like to make a logical statement, but you make it really hard. Because you only let the result of the logical statement to be a text... Additionally what kind of IF statement this is if there is a False result..? For example fallback could be used as a False statement. What I wanted to do is to decide whether an extracted data is true or false and use the result. For example using it for a custom variable: Bot statement 1: Give a value. [customVar mark=1] User: 2 Bot statement 2: Are you sure? [customVar mark=[IF([extractedData interaction=1 fallback=1]=2){10}]] User: Yes Bot statement 3: Your value: [showVar=mark] In this case it the custom variable mark will be 10. But there is a bug: extractedData interaction=1 is not "2" the Bot statement 2 will write [customVar mark=] Even though the result at Bot statement 3 is good, cause variable value will be 1. So can you do something with the unwanted [customVar mark=] if the logical statement is fale?

Secure message like: password '****'

Hello! I have done a little research, but I can not find a way to resolve this situation: I want the bot to ask the user a user name and a password for a certain purpose. How can the password be set to not be visible in chat? like '****' or 'XXXX'? Thank you in advance


How to include only buttons in snatchbot. Is their any option to be enabled. one more question is how to increase number of buttons to be included in text card from 3 to more


Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas à report mes réponses de bot sur un fichier excel Merci de m'indiquer la procédure

Get an element using javascript through the API?

How do I get an element by the class name, within the iframe, using the API?

Cards not working

Hello. I tried to show my bot and remarked that it was a mess. For example cards do not work. Check for examle bot 64229, interaction Z (1012521). Thank you for your time


HI, when i m test my interaction "name" all is ok but when im test all the chatbot, there is a bug, the bot send me the reponse of the number of person ! thanks in advance, it s very urgently

Answers with more than 20 characters

Either quick answers or answers in text cards can only be 20 characters long. I need more space for longer answers! How can I do that?

programming language

Witch is the programming language used to develop Snatchbot?