Phone extraction results in many error reponse

Many valid formats of the phone are not accepted by the phone extraction, causing users to loose interest. Could you let me know the valid format so that it can be added in the suggestions part of the Chat bot Message?

NLP "Train Model" is not working

For the last couple of days I have not been able to either train an NLP model or delete an entity with NLP. Are you aware of this? It was working fine a couple of days ago. The status just stays on "Training Needed".

Bug on webchat design

Hello, The webchat menu cuts some of the options. I have 3 options and the 3ª its cuted down, even if i make zoom-out on the browser i can't see it. Thanks

Send email to myself

Query 1) Hi, I want to send the interaction to myself currently I can only able to send 1 interaction how I can send at least 2 interaction in the same email. so I can easily track the name and contact no of the user. Query 2) Google calendar plugin is still not working I want to add a calendar from where users can book an appointment how I can add the calendar.

Send Photo on Viber Smartphone

Hello. I created a bot and configured with viber channel. When the user communicates with the bot and we have a connection, i want to send an image through inbox like a custom message. The problem is that the image is not shown on viber in the smartphone but instead is shown properly in the viber desktop. Can i ask what is the problem? Thank you.

padding II

hello, ok i understand and created the following css in my css file that i uploaded to your server. .message { margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 0px; padding-right: 0px; margin-right: 0px; } but still there is a big space on the right of the text to the chat window border, from the textwindow given out of the bot. please help. thanks.

Custom Variable Bug

Hy, I have a question with custom variables. I would like to make a logical statement, but you make it really hard. Because you only let the result of the logical statement to be a text... Additionally what kind of IF statement this is if there is a False result..? For example fallback could be used as a False statement. What I wanted to do is to decide whether an extracted data is true or false and use the result. For example using it for a custom variable: Bot statement 1: Give a value. [customVar mark=1] User: 2 Bot statement 2: Are you sure? [customVar mark=[IF([extractedData interaction=1 fallback=1]=2){10}]] User: Yes Bot statement 3: Your value: [showVar=mark] In this case it the custom variable mark will be 10. But there is a bug: extractedData interaction=1 is not "2" the Bot statement 2 will write [customVar mark=] Even though the result at Bot statement 3 is good, cause variable value will be 1. So can you do something with the unwanted [customVar mark=] if the logical statement is fale?

Longest Delayed card response duration possible

I am trying to set a card text response with delay. The maximum delay now is 100 minutes. Can it be lengthened to a week's time? If not, is there any possible way to trigger an automated reply from the bot upon detecting a user's reply after a week's time?

Customer phone number

We are building a chatbot that will be used on the Whatsapp channel to give customers the opportunity to independently download confidential documents. We therefore need to manage customer authentication. So I would like to know if it is possible to automatically extract the phone number of the customer who is chatting to insert it into a variable or an attribute. Thank you in advance Regards Marco Bondini

my webchat not appear on wordpress

Hi support, The script I embed into wordpress <script src=""></script><script>window.sntchChat.Init(203055)</script> doesn't appear on the website. It just showing window.sntchChat.Init(203055) at the footer. What could be the problem? Thanks