Phone number not valid its showing

Hi, Kindly check my chat receipient id :1522531704522977, in this chat person is giving his correct mobile number but the same is not recognized by the chat bot. Kindly add all the current series in the chat box functions as early as possible to avoid any sort of discrepencies.

What's the message limit per month?

Do you have any message limitation per month at free version ?

Can't add second bot to second Facebook page

Hi there, I've created two bots. I have managed to link the first one to my Facebook page but when I try to link the second one to a Facebook page I manage, it doesn't let me. It shows me the first Facebook page again and then says there's already a bot connected rather than a second page.

live chat STT & TTS

Are STT (speech-to-text) and TTS (text-to-speech) features available during a live chat?

Is it possible to format a large number when displayed?

I am trying to display larger numbers and wanted to know how to get the number to display with commas. (E.g. "100,000" instead of "100000") Thank you!

Enable webhook authorisation

I'm attempting to create a webhook to create a from my bot. I have been able to do this successfully with most other alternatives, but here I'm unable to find Basic auth or API key to authorise my webhook as it requires credentials to work. Am I missing something, or is this not possible?

[setAttribute name=[showVar=name1]]

When I put in the following function [setAttribute name=[showVar=name1]] It keeps returning "[setAttribute name=]" in the chat. I've checked the documentation over and over and it seems to be correct. pleas help

Bot not working anymore on Web

Hi I just noticed, that my Bot is not working anymore. This happened to me before without having changed anything. Can you tell me what the problem is and why this happens? My Bot: Name: MAS-Bot id: 15448 Kr Jan

Sending Attribute To API's

I am setting an Attribute with the value of [extractedData interaction=179415 fallback=TEXT]. But at my Api I am receiving "[extractedData interaction= fallback=TEXT]" instead of its value. Please tell me if there is a way to send the value extracted data to an API

Is it possible to get the psid of user?

if yes then how to get the psid of user?