Closing Chat Window

The "X" to close the chat window is on the right header in Google Chrome. We had users test our bot and they complained that when using Firefox the "X" is on the left side off the chat window and it was hard to see because it wasn't on the chat window it was off to the side. Is there a way to fix this?

whatsapp twilio

existe alguna manera de implementar snatchbot con twilio para whatsapp, de comunicar las 3 plataformas para crear un bot de mensajería para soporte al cliente. necesito información sobre eso y mas que nada un respuesta de si o no y con información adicional de como implementar si es que se puede si no entonces otras opciones para cumplir el objetivo gracias

Chatbot stopped working when used inside an iframe

Hi! My bot was working fine until recently. I have it inside an iframe within a wordPress page. Now, the chatbot loads, but it only shows the initial message but not the quick reply options I have setup. i had to change it to open the actual URL

Bot Not Responding

My bot uses JSON to respond to users automatically and dynamically. We get the message and then send the meaning to the user. it was working well. but today it is not working there is no response when i test the bot it is working but for users it stoped working. help please My bot id is : 25250 Bot Name : Rebin Dict

Integromat & Webhook Question

On intergromat, I have two issues: The data is sent to the webhook - only when I select run once - obviously that is not ideal as I don't know when my web visitors will be using my site, I need it to fire when it automatically receives input from the webhook. The data is not being sent from intergromat - because it is missing a user id (i think) instead the chatbot just moves on to the next conversation block.

Is there a way to send an email with specific information?

For example the bot asks for the users name, date of birth and favourite football team. Then an email is sent in the following format. Name: Josh Smith Date of Birth: 27/03/1950 Favourite football team: Barcelona Thank you

Get the name of the person using pre-trained NLP models

I'm using the pre-trained model to Detect Persons to ask and capture user's full name. It's working fine in the Test Mode, except I can't find how to pass the value of the detected person's name to a variable.



Font size in conversation

Hi Can we change the size of the font in conversation and font on the buttons we have created as we reduced the size of chatbot on our website?

Cambiar Atributo de Usuario

Hola, qué tal? Tengo dos consultas. 1- Necesito cambiar el atributo de usuario luego de haberlo generado, de esa forma podré darle la opción a mis suscriptores de dejar de recibir mensajes. Por ejemple: cuando una persona nos escribe y desea recibir nuestros mensajes de suscripción el atributo X toma valor 1, y cuando desea dejar de recibir mensajes le cambiaría el atributo a 0. Entonces al enviar Broadcast puedo filtrar por atributo. He intentado hacerlo pero solo me permite crear nuevos atributos y no cambiar el valor de uno ya creado. ¿Cómo hago? 2- Si una persona ya no desea recibir ningún tipo de mensaje del bot, ¿cómo puedo eliminarla de la base de datos? o ¿cómo puede eliminarse ella misma? Espero su respuesta y agradezco de antemano.