Strange replies

Hi, My bot send strange replies like: Pozdrav. Moje ime je Žaruljica i ja ću ti pomoći u ponavljanju fizike. Želiš li pomoć? bot ID: 153442 What could I do? Many thanks, Laci

Croatian answer BUG

Hi, I keep getting the feedbacks that people writing to the bot get messiges in strange languages like "телефо" and the bot restarts, What could I do? bot id: 153442 Many thanks

Unable to add "Funds to balance" for Bot

I do have some balance in my wallet which i want to transfer to my bot. It says "Unable to complete action, please check your connection and try again" every time. Can you please resolve this issue.

Fallback Connection won't repeat the interaction even its set tp "Do Nothing"...

Good day! I've put NLP in the connections and usually if the message did not match the NLP, the bot will just repeat the question. But now, the bot asked "Pozdrav. Moje ime je Žaruljica i ja ću ti pomoći u ponavljanju fizike. Želiš li pomoć?" which I did not integrate. Thanks, Bob Sanders

Embed media (audio file) does not work

Hello, I trying to put audio file in the body of bot message, but it is does not work. I tried different hostings, but without result. Video is ok, but what should I do to make audio to work? Thank you Violetta Makeeva

Incorporar base de datos para dar respuestas

Buenas tardes, necesito saber si puede relacionar una respuesta con una base de datos y devolver un valor de esa base. Ejemplo: el usuario pone su número de documento y devuelve lo que está escrito en una columna determinada de la base. Muchas gracias

Add posts to Telegram Bot

Hello! I what to import my recent post from Wordpress Website to my telegram bot. And i dont know how. Ive tried with JSON, but is not working. gives me error json ( I ve tried with rss, but When I Press "read here" ... dosent get me all the text from wordpress. I cant get rid of the generic RSS image(if nu URL is provided) . I want to be empty, to retrive just the article from website. or if cannot be deleted... at least make it first, I want user to see the article not the generic rss image. Thank you and sorry for my language. i'm not a native.

Dynamic Quick Replies from database

Is there a way to dynamically add quick replies, as we need to assign(connect) particular interaction every time we add a new quick reply. If not then can we add quick replies based on response from API/database by using attributes or variables ?

New global webhook it is not returning the specified parameters

Hi, how are you doing? I need to recover the user_id of every message, but even selecting all parameters in the set-up page it is not returning them to me. This is what I get, with all the parameters selected to return by webhook: {"bot_id":151073,"message_data":{"channel":"api","from":"Servicio al Cliente","message":"Bienvenido a *Envios Infinito*\n\nAhora mismo te estamos atendiendo por medio de nuestro chat automatizado disponible las 24 horas del día los 7 días de la semana.\n\nPor favor escribe tu opción de preferencia\n\n*1)* Soporte Logístico\n*2)* Soporte Técnico\n*3)* Ventas\n*4)* Servicio al Cliente","module_id":2349400},"session_id":58103761,"source":"bot","timestamp":"2021-02-03T18:26:29.027082447Z"} As you can see there is not user_id

Contact Information

Hi there, I would like to inquire if the following email address [email protected] is still working. I have sent 2 email but unfortunately did not receive a response. Thank you